Rewiring the Nervous System and Subconscious Mind with Julia Mikk

In this episode, Julia shares her journey from depression, anorexia, self-hatred, and loss to becoming a successful entrepreneur. She began her journey with personal healing through breathwork, which led her to develop the “SOLignment” breath process, emphasizing SOLignment with one’s true self. This breathwork goes beyond traditional pranayama and focuses on releasing control and allowing innate wisdom to emerge.

Julia emphasizes the importance of understanding breath’s influence on daily life and how it extends to business success. Her approach, the SOLignment Breath Process, aims to help individuals let go of control and connect with their deeper selves, fostering courage, power, and intuition, which are crucial for business success and personal growth. The conversation delves into the fear of changing one’s identity when reprogramming the subconscious, emphasizing the importance of facing the unknown with confidence and trust in one’s inner guidance. 


{01:39} Julia’s Journey: From Darkness to Awakening

{04:30} The Power of Breath and Somatic Alignment

{07:30} Breath’s Impact on Everyday Life and Business

{10:15} Nervous System Mastery: A Practical Approach

{26:08} The American Dream

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Julia Mikk Bio:

Julia Mikk, born in Estonia and now living in Boulder, Colorado, is an internationally renowned healer, teacher, and #1 Wall Street Journal Bestselling Co-author. She founded the SOLignment movement with certified Practitioners in many countries.

Julia’s experiences instantly change people’s lives. Her clients come from all over the world to experience the shamanic SOLignment process, receive deep emotional and physical healing, and embody courage to live their soul purpose.

Julia brought SOLignment to life thanks to her many powerful awakenings with her spiritual teachers—some of the most important ones being Gangaji, Binnie A. Dansby, and a Peruvian shamanic lineage. Yet, many of the greatest lessons and awakenings came thanks to her journey, which wasn’t always easy. She got a chance to move through the times of deep depression, dark nights of the soul, anorexia, and bulimia – that’s where she learned more than ever before about the power of self-love, oneness, and the true meaning of healing.

Julia masterfully weaves her realizations of non-duality, breathwork, shamanic studies, biodynamic craniosacral therapy, and psychotherapy into her SOLignment sessions. She helps people experience a powerful liberation from past karmic knots and clear out the old patterns manifesting as lack, worry, fear, or health issues.

During the last 20 years, she taught SOLignment to hundreds of thousands worldwide.

Many people have said that it’s like no other work style out there. It is very powerful, incredibly efficient, and quick in breaking through stagnant patterns. Yet even though the work comes with a powerful force of light, it also offers an astounding depth of gentleness and nourishment.

This is one of the main things Julia emphasizes “Deep letting go and healing do not have to be a struggle. The idea of a struggle itself is an old belief that can be released from our reality. It is time to have our life be filled with peace, abundance, and love.”

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Welcome back to the show. My fellow extraordinary Americans, we have Julia Mick as today’s guest. Julia is an internationally renowned teacher, breadth master, the number one Wall Street Journal bestselling author, and the founder and CEO of SOLignment 

In her prior practice, Julia was the secret weapon behind many high-level leaders’ success. She works with corporate executives, philanthropists, and impact-driven authorities to help them step into their global impact, create their legacy, and thrive in their health and relationships at the same time. In her more public persona, she trained successful coaches in the modality called the solo alignment process and offered certification courses worldwide. 

The solo alignment process is a proprietary method that has revolutionized the peak performance industry and uses breadth, nervous system regulation, and trauma reprogramming. To release even the most entrenched self-sabotaging mindsets, burnouts, and illnesses from the body, Soul Alignment Institute’s mission is to create 10,000 extraordinary leaders, coaches, and solar alignment facilitators, empowering them to share the full power of their talent with at least 30,000 people in their lifetime. 

Julia is what I would call an extraordinary American, and I’m honored to have her on this show Julia, are you there?

Yes. It’s so good to be here. Thank you for inviting me.

Julia, it is an honor to have you on the show, and I know you’re an extremely successful entrepreneur. You’re a coach, and you’re our number-one bestselling author. Can you tell the audience more about yourself, your background, and how you started?

I have been in this business for over 20 years, and I started with my healing journey. I was depressed as a teenager. I was anorexic. I had a tremendous self-hatred, and I was lost. 

So, I started searching and reading books. I went to workshops, did self-help, and attended seminars, but nothing helped. I did talk therapy and learned to meditate. Yoga helped until I came to this workshop on breathing. It was called spiritual breathing at that time and completely changed my life.  It was like a three-day event; my breath changed on the first day I did this powerful healing session. I felt reborn. I was like a new person, and it was so profound because I remembered my true nature, which l it. I remember who I am: deeper than my personality, deeper than my ego, deeper than my body, and deeper than my life experience. 

I realized that I’m so much bigger and greater than any of that, and that put me on a whole new path. And then I realized, wow, if this is who I am, I’m this bigness, greatness, love, and peace. How can I stay here? How can I not lose it? Because old habits wanted to come, I dedicated my whole life to learning not to lose this state of remembering who we are and that I was on a path, especially with the breath, because my first awakening was through the power of the breath, and I started studying it. What does it mean to change our state through the breath, and how can I use it to change my nervous functioning, brain, and subconscious? Change how much oxytocin, dopamine, or endorphins are excreted in every moment. 

So I became a lover of breath, and from there, the linimentary breath process was born. I called it Solimene because it’s about Somatic Alignment with the power of who we are.

So, there’s a little of the beginning of my journey.

So, you have so many questions to ask you here, but I wanted to talk about Brett because I’m into yoga meditation. They have this thing called pranayama, where if there’s a concept where if you slow your breath down to a large extent, it gets rid of the restlessness of your mind. When faster breathing leads to more anxiety and stress, and all of that, there’s a great cruel relation between that. It’s common knowledge in the East, but over here, a lot of people have, like they do, anxiety meditation medications. And they go to the doctor to get pills and all that stuff. 

But all people don’t realize the importance of breathing., So, for the sake of our audience, can you tell them a little bit more about how breadth affects our everyday lives and how it can affect their business as an extension?

Yeah. So, my perspective on breath is unique and different from most other breath works, and pranayama’s thought is that many pranayama is breath control. 

So, there are many ways to control your breath to calm your mind, sleep better, and find more peace in SOLignment process. That’s not our goal in the SOLignment Breath process. Going to let go of control, we want to do the opposite than most pranayama’s teachers. The reason is that in this alignment process when we let go of control, we let go of the ego, that main personality, the life experience. 

It’s like this very deep in a journey when the person experiences the full power and the infinite nature of their soul. And when they are there, it’s not something they’ve read from a book or heard from a friend. It’s their own direct experience. 

But for that, we need to let go of it. Or I may need to let go of it. We are doing so. It’s a mysterious process, but there’s also a clear structure to it. I’m not here to teach you how to do the whole technology of the SOLignment breath process, but it is about learning to go into a deeper place within ourselves that’s bigger than the mind, bigger than what we have learned, bigger than what we give to the world, and bigger than ourselves. 

And from that place, there’s so much courage, power, and generosity to fully bring our gift to the world. 

That’s also where our intuition and gut knowledge kick in the most. It’s like a psychic place. When my clients go to that place, they know exactly what they know. The next step is to take the next person to call; sometimes, they get a whole vision of the business plan. Some people have gotten clear on their modality; I have my modality that I’m birthing through me into the world, but it comes from that place of, like, a psychic knowing inside of t. That’s their own. 

So that’s what my version of working with the breath is about.

Julia, I love that you’re mentioning the practical application of this thing because many people think that yoga meditation is just something you do as a hobby or a pastime. But you and I both know that in terms of entrepreneurship and business. But being centered on yourself and going deep within and going from that place of peace and knowing can make a huge difference in your work life for the sake of that thing. Could you tell the audience? A bit more about how being centered within yourself can be practical in starting a business.

There are a couple of different ways to speak of it. I’m going first to share a story. I worked with someone who was already very successful as an entrepreneur. He had many people working for him. He had an internationally renowned company and VIP clients he was serving. It paid him a lot, and he worked with them one-on-one to expand their businesses. And he was working with me one-on-one at that time. 

And I think it was just after the third or fourth session. He comes back to me, he says. Julia, this is amazing. What happened after my last session with you? After we did this alignment breath process, I went home and immediately knew the answer to my client’s problem. I never knew I was always in the mystery. How do I solve it? It was this challenge that I couldn’t figure out how to overcome. And all of a sudden, it was crystal clear, and I was amazed. That I could. I did not see it. What boggles my mind is, how could I not? See it. 

It was so obvious. And then and then he, you know, processed it more, and he realized that it’s because his ego, fears, overthinking, and anxiety were getting in the way of that inner clarity and brilliance that he had inside of him. 

So, I say that whatever your service role or job is in the world. You will be so much greater and more ingenious when you can access the power of your true being. And that power is the place where there’s no fear. No imposter syndrome; no holding yourself back. It’s an actual freedom and power to be the leader. You’re meant to be. 

And they think the same thing applies to people who are just starting. Maybe you’re still in nine to five and want to become an entrepreneur and succeed. The same thing that requires courage. Stepping into a whole new career and doing something you have never done before takes an enormous amount of courage. 

And I would also add power and confidence, and where you’re going to find it, you’re not going to find it in your thinking or analytical mind. You know, some people, at the beginning of their spiritual journey, use positive affirmations. I used to use them a lot. And they help to a degree. But it’s all in the mind, like I am powerful. I am powerful. I can do it. I can do it. But underneath that positive, wonderful affirmation could be full of anxiety and fear. 

So, in my work, I am passionate about helping people and their bodies feel power, courage, freedom, and confidence, and then they can create pretty much anything they want. Want whatever you want. Set your goal to be. You can reach it.

It’s interesting that you mentioned that, Julie, because many people want to achieve many goals but cannot because their egos, fears, and insecurities get in the way. What they do, they don’t realize it’s a type of spiritual practice, like, as you mentioned, breath control. It’s something as simple as that. That can make a difference because it’s all about mastery of your thoughts and emotions. And like how your body functions, there’s a saying in spirituality that your glands secrete the right hormones in the different body parts, which are responsible for fear, anxiety, and all that. 

And if you control those grands, you can control the emotions that you’re feeling. A lot of people think that this is just like it’s just kind of like a pseudoscience, but it’s been there for thousands of years. And in the east, they practice. That’s a lot, you know.

Oh, 100%, and there’s much research around it. There’s much research that proves all this to be true. They have monitored what happens with people’s brains when they meditate, breathe deeply, or change the state of their mind like it’s all monitored, though even books written now mention it. And I would say that the most important is the proof of one’s life. When I work with clients, sometimes they give them a survey. So they can be motivated. 

But ultimately, it’s the proof, like if you have not been able to write the book and after working with me, you can write a book. What surveys are needed for that? You just prove to yourself how much more you can create when you know how to be in your power, freedom, and confidence. And that does require shifting how our nervous system functions. It does require repatterning our brain. And I also worked with the subconscious. 

So, it’s like the Golden Triad. I worked with four. I’m going to go a little woo here. I will mention the fourth, but the first is nervous system rewiring. The second one is repatterning the brain. The third one is working with the subconscious because that’s where all our limiting beliefs live, so we need to be able to work on that level. The fourth one I work with is how our ancestral lineage affects our current capacity to create whatever we want. Because our ancestors and epigenetics have tremendous influences, most people have no idea; they just walk around with this heavy blanket over them. Then they wonder why I’m not successful, why can’t they make courageous decisions. And this blanket could be everything that happened in the ancestral. They finished saying that they are caring and shouldn’t be caring.

So, Julian, there’s one thing I wanted to ask you about, like reprogramming your subconscious mind, and because many people will hear that and they’ll be like, really scared because a lot of their identities and their emotional attachments are linked in their subconscious mind, and to transform that reparent. 

And I agree with you. Like, that’s what you have to do to be successful. You have to be the best version of yourself, but many people fear changing their identity. They’re afraid that if they do that, they’ll lose a part of themselves. 

So, how would you advise somebody with these kinds of fears?

But tell me a little more. Why would somebody have a fear?

Because they’re, they might lose their identity in the process, like their understanding of who they are or their belief systems, and in their subconscious mind of what their belief systems are. And I’m just getting deep over here because this is central to many people; their entire belief system is in their subconscious. And if you change one thing, it just alters the way they see the world altogether, and they’ll just go into a phase where they don’t know what to do, you know?

They would rather hold on to the old, familiar suffering, right? I might drown in the unknown, full of everything that could happen, which is terrifying for the ego and mind. So again, that’s why when I help people step into the center and power of the being in that place of a felt sense of power, they dare to face the unknown, and it doesn’t scare them.

So, I wanted to ask you about your overall vision. And I know you came as an immigrant from Estonia. Can you tell me and the audience more about how your vision career evolved from there to coming to America and how your life transformed?

Yeah, I just followed my intuition. I was very much devoted to learning about this thing called inner guidance. I was curious about what would happen if I followed this inner guidance, and that’s all I did. It’s like my own laboratory, and this irrational inner guidance just pulled me forward and pulled me to be in America. It pulled me to land in New Orleans. That was the first city I landed in. 

It pulled me into creating my healing practice. I started as a healer, leading people through a very deep level of trauma healing, and everything started coming together. And it was always every step along the way, following my inner guidance. That was my number one thing because inner guidance is my higher self, which is my most empowered and courageous self, and all I have to do is follow that part, not fear, anxiety, or self-doubt. 

But follow the free part and one of the things that happened. I was living in New Orleans—totally happy, pet friends. I had the work I loved. They started making money by helping people heal from very deep, traumatic events in their lives, and all of a sudden, this inner guidance says it’s time to leave New Orleans. 

And I was like, why? I am happy here. I didn’t want to go anywhere, and this inner guidance was so clear. I said you had to go. And I did not understand why my mind or ego was not making this decision. And then I asked, where are you? Want me to go? Said Ashland, OR. I barely even knew. I had to look it up on the map. I think I read somewhere once that Ashland, OR, even existed, and suddenly, I had to go there. It was completely irrational. It wasn’t my analytical mind making a plan. It was deeper wisdom leading the way. And what happened is that when I left, and I arrived in Oregon about 30 days later, the Katrina hurricane hit New Orleans.

Wow, that is…

And everything was. The water destroyed the place where I live. Destroyed. You know, it was a catastrophe. Katrina. The hurricane was a real full-on catastrophe. And I was saved from it simply by the wisdom of my inner guidance. 

And when that happened, I became a complete devotee of my inner guidance. I said, ” Whatever you say, I will do it. Whatever you say, I’m doing it because I can see that it truly always protects and provides for me. It’s like the psychic GPS that all of us have. Most people have no clue how to listen. And they have none. The reason you should listen to it is because They’re anxious. They’re in fear. They’re overthinking. And their nervous systems are dysregulated, so it’s almost impossible to hear this wise GPS that wants in that state. To show you the way every day.

That’s why I work at the highest level. Leaders could be very successful, but their minds, personalities, and knowledge have created a lot of success. To go to the next level, they must tap into completely different knowledge and wisdom and learn how to access that gut instinct that will take them to a new level of success: wealth and legacy.

No, what you said is just astounding because you, or like you, basically listen to your inner intuition, and many people have this inner knowing that tells them what to do on their own. But they don’t listen to that. And for many people, it’s really difficult for them to access that. 

So, from your perspective, how would you? People learn to trust intuition. They gain the ability to gain access to it more frequently.

Good question. So there are different ways I could talk about it, but right now, I’m called to talk about it from the perspective of the nervous system. We have three branches of the nervous system. Most people we have think we have only two. Most people think we have sympathetic nervous systems and parasympathetic systems. Still, they also have the third social nervous system branch.

And that’s a discovery. Stephen Porges discovered it. Amazing scientists were studying how the vagus nerve has three branches and connects to the autonomic nervous system. I’m talking about these three branches because Many people are overwhelmed with too much sympathetic nervous system charge. That’s when they’re burned out. They’re anxious. They’re afraid they’re in flight and will fight. 

So, most leaders and entrepreneurs are in that state. And that’s in this regulated state. That makes it very hard to think, have courage, have peace, and know everything. Is well. You’re burned out if you don’t feel many positive things. 

Then, there’s a parasympathetic nervous system. Parasympathetic nervous systems can be very healthy, but some people are in parasympathetic collapse. It’s an actual official term. Parasympathetic collapse means that they have pushed too hard. They were so long in the sympathetic overwhelm that they crashed, and they collapsed into complete exhaustion, and in a place of exhaustion, they lost motivation. They lose the desire to live, sometimes they don’t have any passion. There is no desire to take action. They’re in a collapse, so they become couch potatoes or depressed. And some people are in that state. 

So, taking powerful action or creating what you want is impossible in that state. So now the third. The branch of the nervous system is really important because in the social nervous system, what happens is that when that branch is online, and it’s functioning well, it feels safe. We feel safe. We feel a sense of belonging and that all is well. We are protected. We are provided for. It’s a felt sense of experience. 

A cool thing about the social nervous system is that when we are in that state of safety and belonging, the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches automatically come to balance. 

So you come out of exhaustion; suddenly, you have energy, passion, and excitement to take action, and you come out of that anxiety and fight and flight. You relax. To be in the zone that they call the genius zone. It’s a genius zone where we have the power to take action, but we also can relax, rejuvenate, and feel good in our skin. 

And when we are in this state, when we feel safe, comfortable, belonging, and powerful, nothing can stand in the way if we can create anything. The fear is gone, and the anxiety is gone. Imposter syndrome is gone. You’re in the genius zone. I have a whole chart from that, but I’m not going to go into the chart now. 

So when I’m showing it with my hands, it’s really how the chart shows. There’s a genius zone, but you can leave the genius zone by going into sympathetic overwhelm. Or into parasympathetic collapse; you’re not in your genius zone, either. You’re not functioning very well as a human adult.

Julia, you blew up my brain and my nervous system. That is amazing. That’s an amazing insight. And I just had a revelation that I wanted to share with you; while we’re at it, it’s like you realize that, like most people, life is happening to them, where you have all these events that are happening outside, and then they’re reacting, and then they think that the outside events are influencing the way they’re feeling and acting. But what we’re getting at over here is if you master your Nervous system through whatever process, whether it’s a scientific type of yoga, meditation, or the Soul Institute programming process. You can respond to outside environments the way you want to respond.

I’ve worked with so many entrepreneurs and leaders; they’re like, I want this. I want to take action, but they never do. There’s a gap that we all have the human capacity to do what we want. 

And there’s a problem: so many people want something. And they can’t take action on it. Or they collapse halfway through, or they give up, or they lose interest. Of course, they won’t create the success they want if that’s the pattern.

I had someone who came to my three-day event and sometimes offered these three-day weekend inversions. She was already a pretty successful coach, but she wasn’t making as much money as she wanted, she didn’t have as many clients as she wanted, and she kept trying to take action to be more successful and more visible. And nothing worked, like whatever action she took had no real results. She planted seeds, but no flower ever blossomed energetically in the nervous system. 

Once she came to the event, she realized she had been living in collapse her entire life, and she collapsed in that state where it’s hard to take powerful action. It’s hard to have courage. It’s hard to have passion and almost impossible to have confidence. 

So all we had to do for her was to re-regulate the nervous system; take her. She collapsed into her genius zone, and suddenly, whatever she did had actual power behind it. People could see it, feel it, and be amazed. By it and. She had real confidence to show the world. All they did Was shift, and the wiring in the nervous system was functioning. 


And she quadrupled her income. So, 12 months. Later, I checked in with Hi, how are you? How are you doing? How’s life? She was like Julia. You would not believe this; my income has quadrupled since that event. I don’t know how, but I did my books and made four times more money than ever. And it started after that event. So, the real results speak for themselves.

Like Julia, I’m thinking of this in a national context. Like, you know, like a lot of Americans, they want to find their American dream, and they want to realize their American dream, whatever it is, whether it’s their house or their vision of what their ideal life is. But they have all these challenges, on an individual level, to overcome. 

What do you think about the knowledge of the nervous system and its application, as you’re mentioning, can help Americans on a mass level attain whatever they want to obtain it from your perspective?

The system so much because it makes it very down to Earth. Every human knows they have a nervous system. You know, it’s proven; it’s in the books. They have studied it in school for at least a degree. So it makes it less woo. And for many people, I have noticed that when it’s not raining, they experience as much.

I like to use the word woo because that’s because that’s. That’s what many people think when it comes to this. But no, it’s super practical.

Yeah, yeah. You know, I can speak in very woo terms, too. I would rather speak in terms people can trust, understand, and implement. And when I teach about the nervous system, I have actual charts people can look at. It all makes sense. It’s very logical. And when they see it, they’re inspired. 

So I would say, you know, there are many tools out there. One of my favorites is rewiring the nervous system, and another favorite is breathing.

That’s awesome. I wanted to ask you a little bit about it. I know you had the best-selling book called Limitless that you read some time ago. Can you tell the audience a little bit more about that book, the premise, and how you went about writing it?

A limitless book is what I’ve written with my friends. Several people share their journey of becoming limitless or their version. And my story is about my life and how I move through my limitations, blocks, and self-sabotage. To feel limitless in creating that reality the way I want to.

I don’t believe limitless has an end goal, like now I’m limitless, and that’s it. There’s no more room to grow or expand. I believe we can continuously become more limitless. But ultimately, for me, limitlessness is our true nature. It’s who we already are. Underneath the layers of anxiety, the layers of old trauma, and the layers of being upset with someone, we are already limitless. But it is a journey to return home to who we are, so the book discusses that from many different perspectives.

Do you believe we are ultimately limitless because it’s a very interesting concept you mentioned here? Many people feel limited and trapped within their minds and emotions like they have this emotional state and these beliefs and patterns of belief. They just cannot get out of belief systems and patterns of thinking. But you’re suggesting that we can transcend that, and it’s a very interesting concept.

I’m saying that we are meant to transcend that. We are meant to transcend that. We are designed to transcend that. And what’s smart and helpful to transcend that is to receive support from people who have already transcended that. 

So, people one or two steps ahead of you don’t mean they’re better. They just know the way to what you want. Let yourself be supported by those who know how to transcend those limitations that have been a big part of my life journey. 

I didn’t mean to leave the impression that I had magically done everything by myself. Everything came to me on its own. I’ve had many, many spiritual mentors. Healers subconsciously coached three programmers, and each one helped me remember more and more fully who I was and who I am, so I’m a huge believer in receiving support. 

And I think receiving support and professional support is not a weakness; it’s wisdom. And my main challenge with American society is that it’s so hyper-independent here. People are on antidepressants just because they’re unwilling to receive support; they would rather take drugs than get help and support from those who could. And that’s like an epidemic in this culture. 

I love American culture for many reasons. There are many wonderful things about being here. I adore the people here. But this one thing is a challenge because when there’s this mentality that I have to do it alone, I have to figure it out by myself. That means I’m strong. You’re not going to get very far. That’s one of the most limiting beliefs that keep people from succeeding.

No, it’s true; it’s something I noticed, even when I was born in India. But I noticed in India, it’s more like a family and collective culture, whereas in America, it’s a very individualistic culture. And people don’t want and don’t want to take help, you know, because it’s kind of like a shame in that, but it’s something that I noticed.

Yeah. Yeah. And America is one of the countries with the highest pharmaceutical antidepressant use per capita. And this is the country where the most independents are praised. So, there is maybe a connection to independence—lots of antidepressants. 

And, of course, there’s A healthy version of independence, too. People go into the sympathetic, overwhelmed state; they get into the burned-out state because they think they must do it all by themselves. And then they become anxious. There’s a flighty fight; they’re irritable; they’re angry. They don’t feel well; they get sick. 

One of the things they do with entrepreneurs and leaders—they’re different layers of transformation we go through. But one of the layers is: what does it mean to receive support and have the team around you? Team to answer your email or, I don’t know, clean your office or do your bookkeeping because you don’t have to do it yourself alone. 

And for so many people, it’s like this radical idea that I could have a team. And I say you’re meant to have a team, especially when you have important things to do and an important mission to manifest. You must have a team to be great. When I bring it, we get to see all the limiting beliefs that try not to have the team and support, and then we need to work through those limiting beliefs and release them so the person can have the support they need and deserve.

Julia, I think what you’re doing is amazing because it is the solution to antidepressants and pharmaceuticals as a whole thing. But if you went big, like, yeah, I think many pharmaceuticals, like, they’ll start going out of business in a way because what you’re teaching about the nervous system can prevent is the root cause, which can solve the reasons why people take antidepressants in the first place.

100% I mean, when I work with clients, much physical illness tends to disappear. Much pain leads the body. But one thing happens: people on antidepressants suddenly just feel they can go off them. And I’m not a doctor. I never suggested to them that you do whatever you want with your antidepressant. Talk to your doctor. 

But because they feel so regulated in the nervous system, they find so much peace. They all of a sudden realize they don’t need antidepressants any longer. They run it by the doctor, and they go off of them, and they’re happy, thriving human beings without them. And it’s never been my goal. I have, you know, important things to do when it comes to helping them manifest their mission and legacy. But as we do that, they end up going off the antidepressants. Often, they start thriving naturally.

So Julia, can you tell the audience more about your SOLignment  Institute and your event in October?

Well, what can I say? SOLignment  Institute It is focused on giving leadership training and certification courses. So, we have a year-long leadership training course and certification where people can learn to facilitate this alignment breathing process for their clients and their patients. 

We have successful coaches who come and want to uplevel their skills to create profound breakthroughs for their clients. We have beginner coaches who come and just want to learn how to heal people and themselves so they can go through a whole year-long study process that’s extremely transformational for them. 

But they also learn many technologies, tools, and skills to heal even the deepest trauma and create lasting results, so the person doesn’t fall back into old habits, fears, and limiting tendencies. So, the lineman breath process is known for creating results that last and quickly. 

So, people who love learning should join us; that’s what the Alignment Institute is for. And the three-day event that you mentioned is offered once a year, sometimes twice a year. And I’m excited that it’s coming up right now. 

Again, it’s going to take place from October 20th to 22nd. In Denver, CO, we opened some spots to online participants too, but these three days It’s truly life-changing—like, I don’t know, a better word to use than life-changing. I feel like the word life-changing is so overused, but I don’t know a better word to say because it is. It’s like a rebirth. People give birth to who they are, the clear ancestral lineage to a large degree. 

So whatever is burdening them, The person from childhood or the ancestors is letting go. Beauty patterns the brain so it can excrete oxytocin, dopamine, and endorphins at much higher levels, allowing it to reach its peak performance state. And we rewired the nervous system. We talked a bit about the nervous system today and how to shift its functioning so a person can live without fear—not feeling good enough without self-sabotage because somebody needs to live their greatest purpose and make a difference on a global scale. 

So that’s what this three-day event is for. It’s called enrichment. It’s an incredible community of healers, coaches, and leaders coming together. There’s much networking happening. Family. It’s like a family gathering. New friends are made, and there is a deep healing and transformation. It happens, so I’d love to invite Your audience to join us. OK.

That is so awesome, and I would recommend my audience to look at the SOLignment and its work. I also like this event. And Julia, how can our audience connect with you and learn more about you and what you’re doing?  SOLignment  Institute, and then you’ll see this very simple menu. You can go to Enrich if you call to do the three-day event with us. It’s called enrichment, and then you learn everything you need there. You can always contact me via social media. Some people love social media. Send me a DM anytime. I’m happy to meet new people. Answer questions. Please get to know them. I always welcome you.

That is awesome. Julia. 

I want to let you know that it was amazing having you on this show and what you shared with us regarding the nervous system and rewinding the subconscious mind. It is truly revolutionary because you cannot control what’s happening. 

And I like how it affects you, but you can control how you respond to the environment, which comes through centering around yourself and mastering your mind, emotions, and nervous system. 

So, what you shared with us is amazing, and I’m honored to have you on this. You know, and I would want you to come back later.

I love being here and just want to send my love to your audience. People who are listening to this or watching this, I mean, you are here because you want to step into something greater in your life, and just this desire, this impulse, is so potent and special. So, I just want to celebrate you all.

Thank you so much, Julia, and I want to conclude this show by letting my fellow extraordinary Americans know that there’s an extraordinary quality within every one of us. We must awaken it and unleash it until next time. Bye for now.

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