On the FInancial and Economic Front Extraordinary America is about the abolition of Financial Slavery. It is about the financial freedom of the 99% . it is about the nation of immigrants and descendents of immigrants awakening and unleashing the Extraordinary within themselves and setting themselves free
On the Social front America is a nation Divided and has taken on the traits of a narcissistic family dynamic. Extraordinary America is about uniting the INDEPENDENTS aka the forgotten children of America under the Ideology of Neo-Humanism which calls for loving all beings as they would love themselves regardless of race, caste, creed, gender, ethnicity and religion.
On the Spiritual front America is facing an unprecedented offensive by the forces of darkness from both the right and the left who follow the law of ego. Only by Implementing the Law of One can we push back against the darkside and bring the light back into the nation.
America has always been about freedom, opportunity for a better life and the pursuit of happiness. However most Americans are not free when it comes to the financial front. Most are under financial slavery due to losing their jobs, living paycheck to paycheck, having stagnant wages and inflation leading to rising prices as well as debt of all kinds. Wealth and income inequality runs rampant across America while the middle class has all but disappeared! Where there is no freedom there can never be opportunity nor happiness. Such a disconnect between who we are as Americans and our financial reality cannot be allowed to continue.
Therefore Extraordinary America is about the abolition of financial slavery! It is about the financial freedom of the 99%. It is about the Nation of Immigrants and descendents of Immigrants awakening and unleashing the Extraordinary within themselves and setting themselves free!
In the short term this is done by Investing in precious metals as well as the right cryptocurrencies in order to protect your purchasing power from Inflation
In the long term this is done by the 3 solutions which is:
1. The transformation of the 99% into entrepreneurs and Investors on the light side aka with morals, values and ethics with the goal of financial freedom. This is to be done through financial education and its implementation with regards to Money, precious metals, real estate, entrepreneurship and investing for this is the path to financial freedom. This is part of the ideology of human centered capitalism aka capitalism on the light side. Everything starts with our thoughts and actions and if we think and do things with a thrive and abundance mindset that will inevitably lead to our emancipation from financial slavery
2. The creation of Spirituo-economic institutions led by jedi preneurs ( spiritual people who follow the law of one and serve the one father of the universe irrespective of their religion ). The institution will consist of 3 structures namely a Temple, Academy and Corporation. These institutions will provide free or subsidized essentials of life such as food, clothes, housing, healthcare and education as well as provide the necessary financial support and education for the people in their jurisdiction to become financially free. This is because all the people in this universe are the sons and daughters of the ONE father of the universe and everyone irrespective of their caste, creed, religion, gender, ethnicity are part of his family.
3. The replacement of the debt based fiat monetary system with the American Dream standard or the Humanity upliftment standard. For thousands of years gold and silver were considered money by the entire world since they were a store of value. However what is considered valuable by society is not considered valuable by the One father of the Universe. He considers the upliftment of his sons and daughters as the ultimate store of value and that should be the foundation of our monetary system which currently is a debt based fiat monetary system. If this happens humanity will uplift their fellow human beings the way the Heavenly Father wants them to with the same zeal as the gold rush of 1849 and the spanish exploration of the new world.
that there is an Extraordinary within us waiting to be
awakened, that freedom is our birthright and that we shall
realize the American Dream!
America has always been about freedom, opportunity for a better life and the pursuit of happiness. However most Americans are not free when it comes to the financial front. Most are under financial slavery due to losing their jobs, living paycheck to paycheck, having stagnant wages and inflation leading to rising prices as well as debt of all kinds. Wealth and income inequality runs rampant across America while the middle class has all but disappeared! Where there is no freedom there can never be opportunity nor happiness. Such a disconnect between who we are as Americans and our financial reality cannot be allowed to continue.
Therefore Extraordinary America is about the abolition of financial slavery! It is about the financial freedom of the 99%. It is about the Nation of Immigrants and descendents of Immigrants awakening and unleashing the Extraordinary within themselves and setting themselves free!
In the short term this is done by Investing in precious metals as well as the right cryptocurrencies in order to protect your purchasing power from Inflation
In the long term this is done by the 3 solutions which is:
1. The transformation of the 99% into entrepreneurs and Investors on the light side aka with morals, values and ethics with the goal of financial freedom. This is to be done through financial education and its implementation with regards to Money, precious metals, real estate, entrepreneurship and investing for this is the path to financial freedom. This is part of the ideology of human centered capitalism aka capitalism on the light side. Everything starts with our thoughts and actions and if we think and do things with a thrive and abundance mindset that will inevitably lead to our emancipation from financial slavery
2. The creation of Spirituo-economic institutions led by jedi preneurs ( spiritual people who follow the law of one and serve the one father of the universe irrespective of their religion ). The institution will consist of 3 structures namely a Temple, Academy and Corporation. These institutions will provide free or subsidized essentials of life such as food, clothes, housing, healthcare and education as well as provide the necessary financial support and education for the people in their jurisdiction to become financially free. This is because all the people in this universe are the sons and daughters of the ONE father of the universe and everyone irrespective of their caste, creed, religion, gender, ethnicity are part of his family.
3. The replacement of the debt based fiat monetary system with the American Dream standard or the Humanity upliftment standard. For thousands of years gold and silver were considered money by the entire world since they were a store of value. However what is considered valuable by society is not considered valuable by the One father of the Universe. He considers the upliftment of his sons and daughters as the ultimate store of value and that should be the foundation of our monetary system which currently is a debt based fiat monetary system. If this happens humanity will uplift their fellow human beings the way the Heavenly Father wants them to with the same zeal as the gold rush of 1849 and the spanish exploration of the new world.
Extraordinary America is about guiding the forgotten children of America to awaken and unleash the Extraordinary within them through the Ideology of Neohumanism. America is Currently a Nation Divided, Far right Vs Far left, Red Vs Blue, Republicans Vs Democrats, Conservative vs Liberals…Masculine vs Feminine. America has become a BROKEN Narcissistic Family with a narcissistic “Republican” Father and “Democrat” Mother constantly fighting alongside their respective golden child and Scapegoat child (Conservative and liberal). The people that are left out are the INDEPENDENTS caught in the middle aka the Forgotten children of America. Anybody that has been in a narcissistic family knows that when parents of that nature fight like that, it is usually a lost cause. You cannot make the horse drink water if it doesn’t want to. What you can do though is detach yourself from the toxic dynamic of such a family, quit wanting the approval of such toxic parents and siblings when it is not forthcoming and start loving yourself and working on becoming the best version of yourself. Then you spread that out to others through the ripple effect. THATS HOW TRUE CHANGE OCCURS and the same is true on a national level. Extraordinary America is about guiding the Forgotten children and awakening the Extraordinary that is already within them.
NeoHumanism is a philosophy, practice and way of life where the person has love for all created beings of the universe, animate and inanimate and that all living beings are inherently interconnected, have intrinsic and existential value and must be given a basic level of respect and dignity.
It is about them implementing neohumanism in their individual lives and loving all beings as they would love themselves regardless of race, caste, creed, gender, ethnicity and religion. Only then can we as individuals and as a nation push back against the hate and anger that comes from a Narcissistic family dynamic that is happening right now on a national scale.