Podcast Strategy for Business and Self-Love with Andrew McDowell

This podcast episode features Andrew McDowell, a seasoned entrepreneur and podcaster, discussing his journey from corporate to entrepreneurship, podcasting’s role as branding, and the importance of authenticity. He emphasizes the importance of aligning actions with one’s authentic self, choosing love over fear, and defining success on one’s terms.


{02:45} The transitional journey out of the corporate environment.

{04:30} Podcasting and your brand

{11:20} Biggest lessons learned.

{17:20} The path to happiness

{20:30} Love vs Fear

{27:30} The Definition of Success

{32:00} The American dream

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Andy McDowell Bio:

Andy McDowell is an engineer by trade and creative by nature. He founded the entrepreneurial and small business coaching and consulting firm Generate Your Value, co-host of The Generate Your Value Podcast, and an Executive Contributor for Brainz Magazine.

Andy spent 22 years with the Boeing Company, where he always felt more like a life coach than a boss. In 2002, he began his journey into entrepreneurship within a corporation when he was asked to develop an Airspace Design Consulting business from scratch that would serve the global government market.

Andy has a bachelor’s degree from Georgia Tech in Electrical Engineering and a master’s in Computer Information Systems from Georgia State. Naturally, his aviation work took him around the world. It enabled him to work on high-profile projects – such as preparing the Beijing and Sochi Airports for their respective Olympic Games.

Andy would love to talk with you about how he might be able to use the strategic skills developed from his years with the Boeing Company to Generate Value in your personal and professional life. He has a keen sense for applying business concepts to life coaching, and life coaching concepts into business.

Connect with Andy

Website:  https://www.generateyourvalue.com

Welcome back to the show, my fellow strong Americans. For today, we have a special guest called Andrew McDowell. Andrew is an entrepreneur, mindset and business coach, and podcaster. He founded an entrepreneurial and small business coaching and consulting firm. Generate Your Value.

Co-hosts the Generator Value Podcast and is an executive contributor. For Brains magazine, Andy spent 22 years with the Boeing Company, where he always felt more like a life coach than the boss. In 2002, he began his journey into entrepreneurship within a corporation when asked to develop an airspace design consulting business from scratch that would serve the global government market; his aviation work took him worldwide—and enabled him to work on high-profile projects such as preparing the Beijing and Sochi airports for their respective Olympic games. 

In his podcast, he brings his own and other inspirational guests, experiences, and talents to the table to help navigate the obstacles to building a successful small business while enjoying the journey with joy and happiness. 

Andy is what I’ll call an extraordinary American, and I’m glad to have him on the show. Andy, are you there?

I’m here.

And Andy, I’m so grateful to have you on the show. I know that you are an entrepreneur. You’re a business coach, and you’re a podcaster. Can you tell me and the audience more about yourself, your background, and how you got started?

So we went back to college; I was a linguistic engineering major at Georgia Tech and went on to get my master’s at Georgia State University, and right out of my master’s degree, I started working in the entrepreneurial world, so I’ve experienced three different kinds of entrepreneurship, right? 

So, I’ve been an employee at two small entrepreneurial firms. The second one got bought out. As you read in the bio, a big company called Boeing, I was tasked with building a business from scratch within Boeing, so I became an entrepreneur within a corporate environment. 

Then, I got laid off in 2019 because of the 737 Max crash and thousands of other employees, and I became an entrepreneur myself. So, you could say I’ve seen Most of the facets, if you will, of entrepreneurship firsthand.

Well, Andrew, so I know. So, what is the transition like for you and the Boeing company? What is the transition from being in a corporate environment to doing your podcasts where you had all these really interesting and successful guests, and what is the journey like during the transition from that era of your life to the current one?

Well, I think most people would think that it’s. It was a big transition, but the reality is that I was an entrepreneur inside a big corporation. The only difference Is going outside your company to find the resources. 

So, within Boeing, I had departments. All around me, I supply people to help me build and run the business with my team. Coming down into the entrepreneurial world, you’re your boss, and you’ve got to find those resources yourself. 

So, I have to go interview vendors. Figure out who you want to pick as teammates per se, and they will help you build. The business or the idea that you have. In being an entrepreneur, if you can think of it that way, it’s not that much of a change. Now, that’s the logical mind speaking the emotional, the emotional side of it’s very different, right? 

You are taking a big risk on your own at Boeing; you are kind of playing with somebody else’s money. But when you become an entrepreneur, it’s your own money. So. The emotional side is very different, but logically speaking, it’s not much of a change.

So, Andrew, one of the things I loved about you, like reading about you and knowing more about you, is that you started a podcast where you interviewed other entrepreneurs and everything. And as we know, many people just start podcasts as an end in itself. But normally, podcasts can be used as leverage as a means to an end to create a big business and everything. Could you tell me and the audience more about your understanding of how podcasting can work in a small business or big business application?

In a small business application, it’s used a lot of times, and the main reason I started mine was for marketing. Of your business now. You don’t make your podcast episode one big advertisement for yourself. For your business, you’ve got to make it entertaining and attractive for people to come in and listen. 

You know, on purpose, I brought in a co-host who was a business owner because I wanted that coach versus business owner dynamic between the two of us so that if somebody’s listening to the podcast, the way I approach things and the way I talk about things in terms of topics of interest in our episodes, they can very much expect it to be the same way in a coaching environment. Suppose they were clients of mine, one or more. 

And that’s how you want to set up the podcast from that perspective. How are you making it attractive? In a way that the listening audience gets to know you. How authentic are you? In your podcast, you could start building up some trust. A contract comes up through the podcast before they even sign their name on paper. Become a client, and that’s a key element. Part of what you do as a podcast if you’re truly going to use it as a marketing tool for your business.

So, Andrew, I’ve had different guests on my podcast so far, right? Like I’ve had, people discuss business strategy real estate strategy in cryptos, gold, silver, and all these different strategies. But podcasting strategy is one of the things I didn’t discuss enough, which is why I’m so grateful to have you on the show. Because, you know, it’s one of those virtually new things where podcasting has become popular in the last 10 to 20 years. Before, this was not that common, but now everybody, like many people, is podcasting, and many people have started their podcasts. Still, they never get beyond a certain point. 

There’s a saying that most people fail after the first ten episodes, or it becomes a hobby. But one of the things that I want to tell them is that I like my audience right now. Since we’re talking about business and entrepreneurship, podcasting is an interesting tool for leverage and marketing. If you want to take your brand to another level because you know it, There’s there; there’s podcasting in it as a means itself. And then there’s also a brand, and then you can create a brand out of it, and people like that; that’s also like a business model, which I found pretty interesting. But what are your thoughts on that?

Oh, it’s huge. Branding tool, I mean, so what? It is a brand. The brand is the level of trust and experience a person has with your business. In whatever fashion they’re experiencing, you through, whether it be your commercials or buying your product and service, whatever means that they’re engaging with your content, whether it be actual product service, marketing, a podcast, or whatever.

Once again, trust and experience are what’s building your brand. 

So, if you’re bringing a podcast, that’s bringing value to the listening audience. They agree with what you’re saying. You’re going to start building up that trust level between you and the listener to the point where They’re kind of missing you. Suppose they missed the weekly episode Because it’s become ingrained in their lives per se. Because of that trust level, you’re in the brand you’re building through your content on the podcast. 

It’s just a different way of doing advertising, right? What kind of brand are you building through a TV commercial, a radio commercial, a newspaper ad, or whatever podcast? It’s just that it’s. You are being done with. Certainly audio, maybe video, and most likely doing it through conversation with others instead of just direct marketing of your products and services; in the end, it’s just another way to build that brand, and you need to approach your podcast that way if you’re in it for the long haul.

No, Andrew, I couldn’t agree more with you, and what I would like to add is that, like all the guests you have there, you can also have strategic joint ventures with them in the future. If you want, expand your branding further.

So, what I’m trying to get at is that podcasting is something that I would tell my audience. Please take a look at it because it is one of the most innovative ways to monetize and do it in such a way that you’re creating an online business, which used to not happen until the early 21st century; we live in an age where there’s so much infinite. Possibilities have been created due to the Internet, but that’s that. That’s my take on it.

Yeah, I’m a firm believer. You can start building your brand much quicker through a podcast because It typically lasts about a half-hour to an hour. They’re seeing you—at least your voice, if not in person. And they could see how you’re approaching life and approaching business, which are not things you do. Get a great feat. You probably have to go through what, 50, 100, 200 TikTok… Little 2-minute videos to get the same kind of impact that you can get out of just a couple of podcast episodes or whatever because they’re longer. You’re bringing, therefore, more of or the potentiality of more value to the listening audience a lot quicker than some of the other social media methods.

No, totally. But Andrew, on another note, I know you’ve interviewed all, like you’re the guests you’ve interviewed, who do business and entrepreneurship and are pretty successful in whatever they do. What is the biggest lesson you learned during all of this? It’s your time when you did the podcasts and liked them. You gathered all this knowledge from all these different people.

The biggest thing is finding help. A lot of entrepreneurs make mistakes. They think they have to do everything themselves. And so, I don’t. Between that and being authentic and showing your true self, I think, are the two critical success factors determining whether your business will succeed or not. So don’t be afraid to reach out. 

Be introspective to understand and realize your strengths and weaknesses and outsource your weaknesses. Get help to help you out and try to limit your activities to parts of the business that you bring. The most valuable thing is to do it and then. Be your authentic self. Let people see. once again to build up that trust. And experience with you builds the brand. From that perspective,

So I find it interesting that you say to be authentic, and I agree. However, if you look online, many people portray themselves as projections that are not based on reality, but then they’re so like they’re. 

So the thing is like the fake it till you make it. You have to get to a certain point, and then the cell does, but at the same time, being authentic leads to long-term success, creating a very loyal client base. But I don’t know your opinion about the two approaches you see.

Well, they will be those people who project something else and make money. The question is, is it long-term money? When people realize things, they start saying that you’re not anything like what you portray yourself. 

From that perspective, as you know, that’s what I advise my clients. I use an A model for my coaching and call it a have model if I give you a simple algebra equation, X + y = Z, and ask you to plug it in, Words B to and. Have into those three variables. Would you plug them in? And where the world and Hollywood want you to plug them is to say X equals do. Don’t do all these things. And Y equals have. Then you get to have all these—things in the world. Equals Z, which is B. Then you get the P. And we all know and have heard the stories of the Hollywood people who have a ton of money but are extremely unhappy. What I push my clients to do is to Have it be B + 2 equals have. 

Concentrate on who you are in this world. And then align the things you do in the world you’re doing with who you are and who you’re being in the world. And then you get to have joy, happiness, and success in your life every single day. And that goes totally Against the grain of what society, marketing, Hollywood, and everything else, you know, he tries to teach us through. What they put out into the world

Andrew, it’s interesting that you say that because a lot of what Hollywood and a lot of these really big cities like, you know, kind of like New York or like, like Hollywood and like Las Vegas, they portray that to be happy, you have to have all these material things. You have to have all mansions; your happiness is becoming a celebrity. 

Whatever lifestyle a celebrity has is the epitome of Success and happiness, but we know, like, be done, and once you have those things, you’re not you. You can still be deeply unhappy if you look at many of these celebrities. And you look at their lives—they all end up doing drugs. But I don’t know what your take on that is.

Well, it’s a short-term dopamine hit. Right to pull, pull into your driveway for the first time with a Lamborghini. That’s a pretty big dopamine hit. But a year later, it’s like, OK. Next, right? 

And so, they have to go out there and earn more money to keep getting the toys because they need that new toy to have the dopamine hit. 

And so, it feeds upon itself instead of being, and being self-reflective and introspective means finding things in life that truly bring joy and happiness to your heart, whether through relationships or hobbies. You know your creative side, whatever that may be. That doesn’t necessarily require you to write a $1,000,000 check to get the new toy.

Yeah, but I like you. See, like most people are, how will I know if I don’t have it? You know, I want to have it first, and then I’ll decide whether I’m happy or not. But no, I get I. Get where you’re coming from.

Well, that’s it. Try to learn from people who have done it before. Will you do all that work to write the $1,000,000 check? To get that dopamine hit, you can experience it yourself. Just to find the same answer that people who have come before you have done. Are you going to learn from your ancestors?

Yeah. Like I said, I think the reason why it’s the reason why I’m asking, and I’m not interested in this, is because, you know, the American identity itself is about the pursuit of happiness, right? For example, the reason why our ancestors came to America as immigrants was to pursue happiness. By any means, Necessary. 

And the pursuit of happiness usually went towards their side. Like entrepreneurship and business and everything, but over time, we noticed the culture became a culture of decadence, at least in the big cities. 

And so I find this drive, like most Americans right now, confused between what would give them happiness, like, material things? Is it chasing the cars, the fast cars, the mansions, and all that stuff that celebrities are doing? Or having a more internal-based kind. 

Of course, you know where they’re trying to get happiness from: achievements, self-reflection, or something more internal or within. As a result, this is a very important topic, in my opinion. And that’s why I wanted to ask you about your take on it.

You know what studies have shown. That was the path to happiness in serving others. If you don’t believe me, that’s fine. Just Google it on the Internet, and you’ll find plenty of studies done by smarter people than me. That service to others is where true happiness and joy come from. 

So, in pursuing happiness, do you want to pursue the almighty dollar? To grow your bank account so you can have plenty of toys worldwide. Studies have shown that that’s a very short-term look at things. Do you want to live a life where you will be of service? To others, you know there’s no shame or judgment in going out and making a lot of money. 

The question is: What do you do with it? Because it is a tool, so is the focus of your tool. Is it outside of yourself? To help others. Or is it all about me, me, me? In my six properties and three Lamborghinis, the arm candy on my arm every weekend, you know, kind of thing. You know, it’s a choice. The most powerful tool for a human being is choice. What do you want to choose for your life? That’s what? That’s what. That’s what I’m helping my clients do: make choices.

And that’s why I feel we as a country are on the precipice of making a choice. Will we go the selfish route and choose our ego and self-gratification, or will we choose the route that leads to greater happiness over the long term, which is service to others? Because that is the essence of what all religions say. And like spirituality, the essence of all spirituality is service to others and putting others first and foremost: 

But most People would say, OK, but what’s in it for me? But they don’t realize that a deeper joy comes from serving others over the long term. But like they’ve been, the media keeps showing them something else, but it’s a very interesting take on how to go about pursuing happiness because that is a central part of American identity.

Pursuing happiness is about choosing between love and fear in your life. There’s a lot of subconscious fear in marketing. You know, when you’re serving others, you express love. If it’s, if you’re earning all this money because you have a good business idea, it’s all about me. Me, me. There’s a component of fear in that saying. I don’t have enough. I have to be better than everybody else. It’s fear-based.

And so it’s one of my favorite conversations with my clients. Just talk about the dynamics. Love versus fear? It’s even a chapter in my upcoming book.

Andrew, could you? Expand on love versus fear and how it relates to attaining happiness.

Every choice you make has a component of love versus fear. And you reach a crossroads with every choice. And I’m talking about the major decisions. I’m not talking about things like we’re going to eat Chinese or Italian for dinner. I mean, yes, that is a choice. But. It’s some degrees, let’s say. Which one do I love more? Right. I love Chinese, and I love Italian. Which one am I more into? What is your favorite of tonight? I’m talking about the big ticket. Choices that make an impact on your life, I think so. I would serve you well if you were. Sit down, and even if you must scribble it out, say OK. What? What are the love-based pieces of this choice, and what are the fears based on? As much as you can always choose to love base because you’ll get a better result. In your life from it.

It’s very intriguing because many people don’t realize they’re operating out of fear like it’s so ingrained subconsciously. They go about it.

Yeah, because it’s not. It’s not at the surface level of the decision, right? I’m trying to decide whether to marry this woman or not. That’s what’s at the surface level here, but it takes some time and introspection. OK, I don’t marry this woman. What? What about love or fear is running through that choice, and yes, I do desire to marry this woman.

What are love and fear? If you decide to marry this woman and there’s a lot of fear involved, then you’re making the wrong choice. Right. Because maybe that decision is mine. I’m afraid I won’t be somebody in this world unless I marry this rich woman. That’s a fear-based decision. They look great on the surface. Everyone’s like, Hell, yes, you. I’ll punish your coverage, as they say. But in reality, it may only last. Marriage may only last five years because things start oozing. You will get out of the marriage because you made that decision out of fear. Start getting resentful, and some other things are involved in the dynamic. The relationship because you decided out of fear.

I’d like to add that if you like. Suppose you’re coming from a Place of fear. Your partner or spouse will look at that, and they will react fearfully as well, and it just creates a cyclical loop where it just gets worse and worse because each one is feeding off the other, and at some point, somebody’s got to make the decision. We have to operate from a place of love, but then it becomes one of the hardest things to do.

Yep, I’ve been married twice. For the first time, my life story has been about self-esteem. I had bad self-esteem in high school, college, and my early 20s. And that was the baggage that I brought into my first marriage. 

There were components of fear because of my low self-esteem issues. That was in my marriage, which lasted only 6-7 years. I know that now because I was introspective afterward; I went to therapy and did other things to fix my self-esteem issue because I wanted something different from my life. 

But if I hadn’t sat down and been introspective after the fact and said, I brought something to the table. I won’t play victimhood here, even though it was my wife. That left the marriage. It could have easily done that, but I had to ask myself the question. What did I contribute to the issues? And I need to. Own that and do something about it.

Andrew, what you did over there is one of the bravest things anybody can do because, believe it or not, it’s one of the hardest things in the world. I had to do a lot of introspection myself during my life. And I know it’s one of the hardest things in the world. To do it, you have to. You can’t confront your fears and insecurities. You’ve got to look at yourself in the mirror, and that’s the only way you’ll ever get better in life and get to where you want to be. 

But most people don’t want to do that. And if you’re in my audience and listening to it, you have to. You have to be able to confront your fears and insecurities. And then start asking the question: Can you operate from love, or are you operating from fear? And if you’re operating from fear, start operating from love. But I know it’s easier said than done because you and I know it’s pretty hard.

Yeah, it is. It’s the hero’s journey; as they say, it’s the hardest thing you ever do. It is to take ownership of your life. You know, my favorite phrase among my clients is that you’re the CEO of your life. And you have one very big limit. A set of resources in your basket is called time. 

So, if you’re the CEO of your life, how are you doing? To use that resource of time. To bring about the best.

Well, Andrew, many people would just say I will watch Netflix. 


But no, but on a more serious note, though, you’re right, time is the most important resource you can have, and as a businessman, as an entrepreneur, like entrepreneurs know especially well that they only have so many hours a day and they have to make things work. 

And once you can, you can get your money back. If you lose money, you can get your money back. But you can’t get your time back. Once it’s gone, it’s gone.

It’s gone.

And yet, yeah. And yet most people are comfortable trading their time for, like, their hours for dollars, you know, trading time for money and not trying to start a business, even though it is risky. But at the end of the day, what is riskier?

Well, that’s what the world teaches and teaches us. Right. What is success? So, let me ask you this question: What’s your definition of success for yourself?

I think. I think it is basically to retain a certain level of impact Where you’re influencing people’s lives for the better. In my life, I want to attain a certain level of tranquility and stability in terms of calmness, like in meditation, and try to get my happiness from within because, Andrew, let’s face it, your environment can be very hostile. And it can be like not being friendly to you, and it can be a negative environment. 

But if you are centered around yourself, And the way you master your mind to respond to the environment in a certain way can make all the difference in the world, and then simultaneously, if you combine it with making an impact on others, then naturally your life starts just in. It’s like a spiraling loop upwards, you know. 

A lot, but you have to get rid of the negative self-chatter. A lot of what I think is a success is mastering yourself. It’s not about mastering the world. It’s about conquering your fears and insecurities and becoming the best version of yourself, like being better than you were yesterday.

Yeah, yeah. Go back to my model to work on your being. And to remember who you are.

Yeah, like, I mean, I’ve. I’ve thought about it—quite a bit.

The world makes you forget who you are because they keep showing you this model of something else, saying you. It should be this. And so, you are kind of being subconsciously brainwashed. Constantly throw away all the messages you need to be something other than what you are.

I mean, I’m going to be…

And so you’re constantly battling against that every single day in your life to remember. Who you are: When you first come into the world, you have no problems remembering who that is, but it’s through the constant beating you take through life. It makes you forget who you are.

Most people are living other people’s ideas of success and happiness. We’re living with other people.

Well, instead of defining your friend himself,

It’s it.

My definition of success is living my way out loud every single day. You’ll notice that there’s not a single no word in that sentence that says anything about money.

It’s the ultimate. The irony, right? Entrepreneurs in the process of making money ultimately conclude that it’s not about the money; it’s about them being themselves and confronting their fears and insecurities.

The successful ones, yes, the successful ones.

OK, correct. You’re right. The successful ones have to become the best version of themselves ultimately. And the only way is to confront your fears, you know.

That’s why I Help my clients’ self-leadership. How are you going to lead yourself?

So you have to be authentic, right? You have to be true to yourself. You can’t lie. To yourself, you might.

You must figure out your “why” and purpose in life. That’s the starting point. Then, you will figure out what I call your culture. Your culture is your mind, heart, and spirit, as well as your values. And how do you use those values? In that love versus fear dynamic, And a whole bunch. Of other things and how you make your decisions, it’s no different than business. The business does the same thing. It’s just that more people are involved; it’s the only difference. 

So, to work on your being is to work on your why and purpose in life and your culture because everything outside of yourself reflects what’s happening in your culture.


Andrew, I’d like to add right for, like, in terms of, let’s say, America’s national identity. Most people have forgotten their why and their identity as Americans. But the way you present it, if you put it in a national context, people start operating out of it. The love. Out of a love basis. Of a system of Love versus fear, which they’re doing right now radically where they like, did a little bit of introspection into it, like when they stopped. Blaming other people Or, like, the other side or whatever. And it started with introspection about how I could make things better. Applying it to a national context would be revolutionary thinking, as you’re saying.

It would depend on the current state of the country is in. Right, because the country is in a black-and-white situation right now. There is no such thing as a gray area. You have people giving you your brand and identity. As opposed to you taking ownership and making What do you want it to be?

And that’s exactly what I’m saying. Andrew. By being authentic to ourselves as Americans, knowing who we are, and not letting others define us. Still, like making the definition for ourselves, even on an individual level, it radically changes everything because we’re letting other people, the media, and the news like we’re letting them determine Who we are. But that’s not the case. That’s just other people. Right. 

But that’s like what you’re talking about. An individual level can also take place on a national level as well. And that’s what I find interesting, you know, because these are like, we’re just saying. It’s applicable. It’s practical, but most people are not doing it. I should be doing it.

Yeah, if they truly want a life of joy, happiness, and success. And they are allowing their fellow neighbors to participate in that. There’s going to have to be a change. Mindset, attitude, and way of life

So, Andrew, from your perspective, what was the biggest mindset shift you had in your life that revolutionized everything, like the way you thought and liked it? Changed everything from there on.

Well, in a self-esteem journey, the tapes are playing. I call them tapes. The messages that you keep Circulating in your head, I had to go through a process. I wrote out different affirmations for myself, typed them on paper, and taped them to the mirror in my bathroom, where I would see them. It every single day. And it took. It was a process of saying those repeatedly, getting to the point where they would memorize that I didn’t even have to be in the bathroom just to keep repeating. That to myself. And you know. They say it takes 66 days. Have a behavioral change and make it a habit, right? 

So, if you do that for 66 days, the tapes will eventually become permanent, and you’ll start changing your mindset about yourself and the world. It’s everything.

Andrew, one of my biggest revelations during my personal entrepreneur journey was that you are not your thoughts and actions, and you’re not your mind. You are the awareness behind that—a lot of times.

Your beliefs.

You’re not even aware of your beliefs. Those are just temporary. Those are just you; you’re the soul behind them. You’re like the

No. Yeah. Yeah, it is sold behind that.

And that was the biggest revolutionary thing for me because when you realize that you’re not even your beliefs, you’re not your identity, your identity is temporary. It’s what you want it to be. You have the power to alter your identity and to take A step back. 

But it comes from a place. Of calmness, like when, like when. In my case, meditation, when I was meditating, made me realize that all these thoughts are just chattering, like all these identities are like this identity is there. But I realize I’m witnessing this from a third-person perspective. And this is not me, and I could detach myself from it. And then that just changed my entire mindset—your identity.

And it brought some peace and calm. To you, right?

Yeah, like, like, like.

I mean a true sense of being.

Your true self

And your true sense of being is love.

Yeah. And, its love, and its calmness. It’s tranquility. You’re not your beliefs; you’re not your identity. You’re not your thoughts. You’re not your emotions. You’re something more than that. But it comes. But. But then, once you realize that, you can start altering that to create a positive reality. That you want. But it takes time. You know, it’s not a one-day, one-day thing. Fix it as you said; it took 66 days to create. Create a certain change.

What did the universe want for you?

The nearest.

If the universe saw you, you were recognizing yourself again and just being yourself. Do you think that’s pretty attractive to the universe?

The ultimate point of their universe is to bring us back to our original state. Right, and that. Based on love

Yeah. So, what do you think is going to happen? To you, for you and your Life when it sees that.

It will start bringing opportunities and more abundance because it’s just like a

Because that’s yours, that’s your purpose for coming to Earth. Right. You’re so coming to Earth to learn that. Learn that lesson, and when the universe sees that happening, it knows you’ve reached the state where you’re ready. It’s about the brain.

I think there’s like a Yeah, it’s.

My book is my book. About how you can make the last chapter is about how you Pretend that the universe is made of VC.

Can you tell me in the audience a little bit? More about your book

So, in books on self-leadership, it’s about developing a life strategy for yourself to find joy, happiness, and success. The methodology that I developed was to use business tools. 

We may not have enough time left on your podcast to go into depth on this, but You can tweak business tools. Help develop a life strategy for yourself. In my last chapter, I was just pretending. Or do I take people through? You know what it takes to make the pitch if you have an idea for a business. And you’ve put a plan together, and you’re going for the pitch with a private equity firm or a venture capitalist. Here is everything you would Put in your pitch to try and sell the idea. 

Well, what about doing the same thing for the universe? For your life. What’s your pitch? Because the universe is looking for certain things. Just like a VC or a private equity firm is looking for certain things before they’ll sign on the dotted line and write you that check, Say go and go after it.

When you’re putting in like that, it’s clicking like that. Normally, people ask the universe and don’t get what they want, but the universe says you’re not ready yet. You’re. Having your mind is boring. You, but if you can. Change your mindset wherever you are. A receiving mode. Then suddenly, when you’re ready with the right thoughts and actions, yeah.

Don’t you think a VC is evaluating that about you, and you make a pitch? Is this guy ready for success? Is this guy a true guy or a gal? A true leader? Do they have the smarts? Do they have the right kind of thinking and mindset to be leaders in this business, don’t you think? That’s part of their evaluation. Why wouldn’t the universe be the same way?

What? What would be the difference between how the VC sees it? And how the universe would see it.

I think the VC may lean more towards how you’re leaning toward others. And the universe is more about how you’re leading yourself. Right. Because the universe interests you, do you have self-love for yourself? Coming back to yourself to remember that you are loved. 

That’s how the universe is designed. If you’re ready, you know, if you see me not getting into that kind. Level of discovery. To understand whether you Have you self-loved or not? But they are going to evaluate whether you can lead others. To put it all together, to go after this business. Now, the ones that understand the dynamics of that. Well, you need to be authentic and have a lot of self-love to be a great leader. The VCs that understand it are going to Peel that onion back. A little bit with you and your pitch, but not. I can’t say that all of them do that. Yeah, self-love.

Is ultimately like, not in a selfish way, but just like truly loving yourself and being like, not having, like, just being OK with yourself and knowing that your love, you know, is a

So it’s remembering who you are and that you’re worthy of love from others. Just Because you’re being, and there’s no other reason. And then you want to surround yourself with people who understand that. Except for who you are. They see. They see who you are. And they want to be around you for that.

No, that makes sense. But Andrew, on a different note, can you tell me in the audience a little bit more about your value-generating coaching program? And when the premise Regardless of how you started, it got started.

Well, I got started back in my Boeing days. My, it’s my why, right? 

So, I need to generate your value because I love the word value. After all, value comes in different shapes, colors, and sizes. Fill up your whole podcast. Talk about all the ways that value Shows up in the world, so I’m trying to make it somewhat of a movement. to get people. You know, we were talking about those tapes in your head. They have a tape that says that when I put my foot on the floor after getting out of bed in the morning, the first question I will ask myself is: How am I? It is going to generate value in the world today for yourself as well as for others. 

From that perspective, that was the nucleus of my thought when I got laid off. What I wanted to do the Rest of my life, or say, in the work environment, and it was my favorite thing to do. Do as you please. Help grow people. You know. I always consider myself. More of a life coach than a boss. From that perspective, it is to help people on their journeys remember who they were. 

And so my coaching program is all based around that, depending on where the person’s sitting in life and what they need help with. Still, I firmly believe that the leadership of others is a direct reflection of what’s going on in your leadership, and that’s where My work is with me. Executives or business owners, and coaching is: Are we talking more about you than you? People that you lead. Suppose you suppose disengaged people on your team, most likely because you’re disengaged from yourself.

No, totally. I would like to tell my audience that one of the central things is that you’ve got to know yourself and you; you’ve got to love yourself and all of that and know your why. So, this is pretty important. 

So Andrew, can you tell us, like, a little bit more about your generator value podcast, what it does, and the nature of the podcast?

So where we’ve been for three seasons, we’re starting to record the fourth season next week. In our first season and a half, Zach, my cost, and I Did most of the episodes, just the Two of us talking back and forth about what we felt; we were major. Elements about life, leadership, and business. Sort of a library. If you will, of episodes, people could go to if they had A specific area. 

They wanted to concentrate on it, and we started bringing it on after a year and a half. They have been successful in life, or whatever way they need to find it for themselves, but in business. World, they’re in life. And we spend the first 10–15 minutes just talking about their life story and maybe pulling some self-leadership. Nuggets out of it, and we’ll talk. About a little bit and then. Depending on where they are in business, we’ll Spend the last half hour talking about a particular theme or topic, stretch it, pull it, and dissect it. So forth. The hope is that somebody listening to it will. Pull some things out of the conversation and the stories that they might tell. Take and integrate into their life, leadership, or business, and help themselves grow. 

So, in essence, we’re trying to generate value in the lives of our listeners. With every episode,

No, Andrew, I know about your Jerry Lavelli, and it’s similar to what I’m doing. And I recommend my audience look at this podcast because the guests there are amazing, and you have some really good business advice. Of that, you know it’s amazing.

Well, we’re growing. We’re in the top 10% of podcasts. In the world, In the top 100 independent podcasts relative to management leadership.

That’s awesome, Andrew. So, Andrew, how can our audience connect with you and learn more about you, your podcast, your coaching, and all you’re doing?

The easiest way is to go to my website and generate your value.com or layout—my coaching program, etc. You meet my two puppy dogs, Bo and Luke. Over on the website and hit our podcast-generating values available on any podcast platform and my website. 

You can listen to all the episodes, hopefully. Between this conversation tonight with you and the podcast, my website, an upcoming book, and hopefully a TEDx talk, I’ll keep generating value in the world. That’s what my life is.

Andrew that is amazing, and I am honored that you took the time to come on this podcast and provide your value and insight to me and the audience. We don’t take it for granted. Granted, you know. It’s amazing, and I want to. Have you been on the show? At a later time.

Oh, anytime. I had a great time and greatly appreciate the invitation to come here. To your podcast, keep generating value.

Thank you. Thank you so much. And I want to conclude this show by letting my Philip strong Americans know that, hey, look, there’s an extraordinary within every one of us, and we must awaken it and unleash it until next time. Bye for now.

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