Illusion of Financial Security vs Financial Freedom with Cynthia Davis

In this episode Cosmos Dar interviews Cynthia Davis. After several years of continual growth and success in the corporate world of Aerospace and Defense, Cynthia could no long hold back the power of the Entrepreneurial Spirit within! She knew she had to break away from the constraints of the corporate world to experience life on her terms! So, after nearly 30 years, Cynthia said good-bye and started her own management consulting firm. Initially on her own, and then with her partner, Cynthia has grown her company to be a leading firm in helping businesses and business leaders transform their companies, win new business, and become leaders in their industry – just as she did with her own company. Today, Cynthia and Radiant Blue team, work with the top tier defense contractors in the world, affording Cynthia and a few of her elite partners the opportunity to use their expertise with entrepreneurs and business leaders in one-on-one and in small group settings. With her immersive programs like “Leaders of Distinction”, “Transcending Business As Usual”, and “Incremental Monumental Change”, Cynthia helps entrepreneurs who have a vision for something greater than themselves, transcend their own business and personal blind spots and “unknowns” to become the “Obvious Choice” in the market. In this episode Cynthia Discusses the thought processes and actions, with which she went on to become such an Extraordinary American!


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Welcome back to the show, my fellow extraordinary Americans. Today we have our guest, Cynthia Davis. During her career spanning more than 30 years, Cynthia has reached the highest levels of leadership With some of The most highly respected organizations such as General Electric, Lockheed Martin, and Raytheon. 

Along the way, she led, lived, and experienced many highs and lows of corporate existence, from massive growth to mergers and acquisitions to business restructuring. During all of that today, Cynthia Co-created one of the most unconventional and successful consulting, training, and business advisory firms, called Radiant Blue LLC. 

As a highly sought-after executive advisor, she works with entrepreneurs and business leaders and is extraordinary and revolutionary in navigating the challenges of Business growth, personal and business transitions, and readying their teams for mission success. She also founded incremental monumental change, which helps work with entrepreneurs and leaders committed to business and personal mastery and transcending the status quo. 

I believe that she’s a perfect guest for the show because she’s got a pioneering, innovative, and entrepreneurial spirit that made America extraordinary in the first place. 

Well, Cynthia, are you there?

I am. Thank you. Thank you for having me. And thank you for that amazing introduction.

Thank you for coming to the show. How are you? 

I’m doing great and It’s just a pleasure to be here and be able to spend 30 minutes or so with you and talk about something that’s actually near and dear to my heart, and that’s about America and the spirit of America. 

Yeah, totally. So, Cynthia, I know that you’re an entrepreneur, a really successful entrepreneur, advisor, and consultant. Can you tell us a little bit more about your background, how you got started and all of that a little bit about yourself? 

Now, how far back should we go? 

What did you want? 

So, I’m going to tell you I had just a beautiful, amazing childhood and, you know, not even recognizing things that we didn’t have because we had a lot of love in our family, which I thought was really amazing, to be able to grow up in that environment. And one thing that we did have was some rules and regulations that say to be successful, this is what it looks like and it’s you go to school, you get good grades, you go to college, you get good grades, you get a job. You stay in that job for 30 years and you know, you follow the pattern of what was deemed successful.

And so, I got to tell you, Cosmo, I did. That was really well, and I followed all the rules and I went to my education by way of education in systems engineering, computer science and I really thought that was going to get me an amazing job, which it did. And I got my amazing Job and as I worked in this corporate America, which was a beautiful environment to be in, and I had so many great experiences and lessons, I always felt there was something else that I was longing for.

And what I realized was I really was more of an entrepreneur and I had that entrepreneurial spirit I needed to be able to express myself in ways that the constructs of the corporate world weren’t going to really do for me. 

So, while I had this amazing career that I heard in your introduction that you shared with folks, I couldn’t have asked for anything better from learning and The skills that I learn. And yeah, it was also something that was combining for me in a lot of ways. And so even though I reached the highest levels of the company, and I did really well, it was not that I was unhappy. I just didn’t feel fulfilled until I actually decided to take the plunge, follow my heart, follow that entrepreneurial spirit and start my own business.

That’s awesome. So, Cynthia, what was the overall arching goal and vision? With regards to Your career and your life in general, like when it came to all of that over the years. 

Yeah, you know. Everything that I learned in business served me so well when I decided to start my own firm. But I think what was more important was not intellectual knowledge as much as it was the passion for what I really wanted to do. 

So, I could, you know, I mean I was very successful from a… Having the home, having the boat, the cars, the Trips, the family, the Two kids and the dog, right? But the idea of Having all that and acquiring all that still left me with the idea that there was something else that I wanted to experience in life that I wanted to share in life. And that I wanted to learn from myself. And that was more on the side of what I Would call fulfillment and really feel fulfilled. And what really drove me was working with other people. What really drove me was being able to share what I learned with other people, helping other people become successful, and what they wanted to do.

So when I left the corporate world, I started a management consulting firm. We were really very successful in going into business and working with business leaders and entrepreneurs in helping them build their businesses in helping them think about the strategy of their companies. And then it also led me to work with those business executives or entrepreneurs one-on-one or develop training and programs that we could bring into the business environment or work with those entrepreneurs one-on-one that help them also learn When I ended up experiencing this for myself.

That was how you balance the drive for Setting goals and achieving goals and having a vision and wanting to do something amazing and making an impact, how do you balance that? With this sense of Fulfillment and life and freedom and happiness and being able to have both rights. Can you have both? And the answer is yes You can. And in doing that, that’s kind of where I Came across the idea… What I now call incremental monumental change. Are we able to live our life like that? We should be able to live our lives in the pursuit of happiness and freedom and enjoy a sense of prosperity and wealth in our life. Right. And so that’s when I actually started. Would you know, referring to what I was doing, the work I was doing with entrepreneurs called incremental monumental change and So I can Share a little bit about that as we get on in the interview if you’d like?

Yeah, I’m definitely going to ask that later on, you know, for sure. So, Cynthia, you know, a lot of people when they’re starting their own company or the LLC, they go through the sense of like, what if I fail? They have this sense of, like, OK, like, what if, like, what if I do this business and I fail and all that stuff like they all want to do it, but there’s A large percentage of people who think that they can’t do it. Or they have negativity Surrounding it. What was your thought process when you started your LLC?

Oh, my goodness. I had that same thought process literally right. Imagine right? I’m running pretty big businesses in corporate America, so I had a staff, I had assistants. I have the support structure and you know, I had everything I needed to really run a very successful business. And when I left, people looked at me and Thought I was crazy… Like, how could you leave all of that? Right. And go start your own business and to me. It was like that was an illusion of security. It wasn’t freedom.

And so, when I stepped out of that though I remember for the first several months, I was just literally I. Looked to the left. I looked to the Right. There was no one there, it was just me, right? So, if this business of this firm, this consulting firm that I was starting was going to be successful, I actually needed to get my head wrapped around what I was going to do and how I was going to do it because there was, you know, it’s like, oh, my gosh, where’s my staff? That life was over, right, so. I did go Through that, I did go through.

So, oh my gosh, Did I make a mistake? Was that a safer environment than where I am now? And it took me a few months to Wrap my head around everything that I have learned and read and just do in my heart what I had a passion to do. 

Here’s what I really thought of Cosmo. I said to myself, you know. If I find it in line for. Isn’t it to be an entrepreneur? To have my own business, to be able to define life on the terms I wanted to. Then I couldn’t Believe in a power greater than myself that would give me that desire and not give me the wherewithal to actually accomplish them. 

And so, when I stepped into that and said I’m going to start trusting myself more than I ever have and start really Finding the resources that could support me and What I was about to go do. That Fear started to diminish and the more I moved into action, the more diminished and the more I actually started to. Step into the passion that I Had for the work I wanted to Do with people; It became less about. Accomplishing so many things and more about feeling so good about what I was doing. And the things and all of the things that I thought I was giving up, Showed up tenfold.

In the interviews that I had, there’s always a call team of trusting and believing in yourself. And I’m noticing this pattern of people like successful people saying the same thing. Like they end up having to believe in themselves. They’re passionate about what they do. And so, yeah, I’m hearing this from. You as well, so it’s a common pattern that we notice, you know. 

And I actually call it incremental. The reason I call it incremental monumental change, right? I say it’s really, it’s a way of being in the world as a leader that empowers you to trust yourself. It empowers you to move with confidence and to move with certainty and even to be certain in a very uncertain world, right and to know that you have within you the elements to be greater than the circumstances in your life, and that’s what we have to learn to draw from. 

And so, it’s really a philosophy and when I’m working with entrepreneurs or I’m working with business leaders, it’s a philosophy that turns a lot of the traditional strategy beliefs on their head and really starts to recognize that there is an intuition, a higher-level intuition that is a tremendous asset for us. And when we can really Tune into that and use that as part of our guiding light of how we direct ours. Then we can move from moment to moment, day by day, trusting. Trusting that we’re making. The wisest choices, and the direction of our vision.

Totally, yeah. So, what was the biggest lesson you learned during your career over the years?

I would have to say. I mean, there were a lot of them, but I think the one that stands out for me the most were the people that showed up in my life and the people that I sought out in my life. You know, it’s interesting, I’ve heard people around you They’re going to support your belief system. Even if those are limiting beliefs. And so, you, whom you hang around with and Whom you seek out as advisors; It’s so important, right? It’s always like, I mean, I’m sure a number of people have heard, you know, look at the five people you spend the most time with me.

I’ll still. I was going to say the same thing. Like, yeah, you’re the five people you hang. Out with the most, you know. 

That is so true. It is so true, and it goes even further than that. It goes to find the peer group and the advisors who are already Moving in that direction of where you want to go or. Who already has demonstrated success in the direction of where you Want to go and being almost Fearless and asking, you know, for help. Hey, I don’t know. This here’s what I’m looking for. How do you know? And being able to surround yourself with really terrific people who are going to be able to because. If they’ve already experienced it and achieved it. I think one of the highest honors that people with values want to do is. Share What they’ve learned with others.

And that’s another piece of IIMC. Here’s the thing. Here’s the thing that I really have a passion for, and a vision is. I want us to start rethinking and recasting the definition that We have for the top 1%. So, we talked about it. The top 1%, as the people who have all This money and success. In the world. And I’m saying, you know, I want to rethink that. I think it’s that I think recasting it to look at our role models and shifting the idea of the top 1% as those people who have, yeah, they have wealth, they have success, they have influence. But more empowered…. More importantly, they’re empowering and they’re giving to others, right?

So it’s a value system and a measurement perhaps of wealth. But those people that have Those great resources and that great power. They should be. Using that knowledge and that money and That influence and that wisdom. In ways that uplift and empower others and uplift humanity, and it starts with our own community. And so, when I think about going out and looking at the peers and the people who hang out with those are the kind of people I’ve chosen to hang out with.

No, I totally agree with you. It’s just that in today’s world, we have a perception that the one percenter is greedy or that they’re just evil or something like that. And like it’s not true. You know, like there are good people and there are bad people and everything. And you’re right. We have to redefine that idea altogether.

I want to recast it. I want to redefine it.  I Want our role models to be those Not just Who has Acquired, you know, a mass amount of financial fortune? But they also have a value system that goes with it. It and that Value system to me like I said it’s of its uplifting, right? It’s an uplifting one. It’s like, you know. Oh my gosh, let me put it. Reach down and take your hand and pull. You up because you have. The same values I do. And I see, you know, and you’ve got a vision that’s big and you’ve got a vision that’s bigger than you that wants to help uplift humanity. Right. And so to me, those people are everywhere. When you start. Putting your eyes and your mindset on looking for them, you’ll.

No, I’m loving it. Yeah, it’s totally true. So, what was the biggest challenge you had to face over your 30 years in your career, and how did you overcome it?

So early in my career, actually two different problems in my career because I kind of had two different places, right? So early in my career when I stepped out of my education system and went right into the corporate world, I went into an Interstate called Aerospace and Defense. And back then, aerospace and defense were not very diverse organizations. The business was, you know, it’s a, it was really a…. As compared to today, very few women in the business, very little diversity in the business. And here I was, I sat in a cubicle for about three or four months, and I said this Is not for me. I want to be Running a business, you know I’m an entrepreneur. I want to run a business. I want to make things better. I want to make an… Well, that wasn’t really. Those doors weren’t readily Open. I had to go Open those doors not only for myself but also for other women that started coming into the industry. 

And so I would say going through, I mean, you know, I was Running a manufacturing organization where women didn’t do that. I ran all of the international business development for a division of one of these large defense contractors. That a woman had never done before. 

And so, I was Kind of breaking all the rules. I was really an anomaly. And I think I had not. Had, you know, been working on my inner game all along, right? I haven’t been really studying the works of these amazing people and leaders and visionaries and recognizing that I had an affinity with them more than I did Construction of the corporate construct I probably wouldn’t have Been able to be that Pioneer in that industry. But I was definitely, you know, a pioneer for myself as well as other women. 

When I left the industry, the biggest challenge for me was, OK, I’m starting my own business. But I had to shift from being the operator in my own business to be the owner because it’s when I started it. I was the only one doing all the work. I was invited. If I got sick and didn’t go to work all of a sudden, I wouldn’t be getting paid. That’s an operator that was, you know, as they sometimes say, rather you working in your business or are you working on your business? 

And I had to come up with a strategy for my company and my firm that took me out of the play so that I could actually be the business owner and not and not be the business operator. And that was a big shift and I needed support from others who had made that… Crossed that… That chasm if you will. To go to that place because other than that, I just bought myself a high, high-paying job, right? 

And so, I had to really cross that chasm and say, no, what I really want to do is be owning a business and maybe owning two or three businesses, which I do today, but I had to make that not only the mental switch, which was the easy part, it was the fundamental now learning of the skills I needed to do that. And that’s where again… I hung around with people who Had already done that, and they showed me how to do it. What I Needed to do. They helped me with my strategy. As I said, hey, let’s get on, you know, can I bounce my ideas off of you? 

And I had great advisors to help me move through that. And I, you know, the sooner. The sooner I made that transition. The more I actually Found better balance in… Yep, I was still doing the business that was coming in, but I had balance in my life, which I call fulfillment, and that together, let me really experience more of the freedom I was looking for and why I actually left the corporate world In the first place.

Yeah, totally. There’s a rise in female entrepreneurship now in today’s world, right? But there are a lot of women out there that want to do entrepreneurship. They want to do their own business. They want to become financially independent. But they have a lot of mental blocks, and they don’t think that they can survive in a male-dominated field. But you are an inspiration like you should become like, be in a male-dominated industry and you have somehow succeeded. 

What advice would you give to women entrepreneurs? Out there or like women that want to do entrepreneurship in male-dominated deals and want to succeed There and what should their thought processes be? 

And that’s a great question. And I would say probably two things I would point out first and this actually goes for everyone, but as a female out there…. There’s a saying. It goes like this. This is right, what you believe to be true is going to be true for you, yes. So, if I have a belief system. The way this universe operates is my belief system and my brain is going to go out and find evidence that what I believe to be true is true. If I believe there’s a glass ceiling, I will run into situations repeatedly where I have a glass ceiling experience. Because it’s a belief system. Yes. 

So, the One thing I’d say. Check out your belief system. If you believe in yourself, there’s a glass ceiling. If you believe it’s going to be a difficult environment. If it’s going to, but you always have a choice, right, you can shift the belief and that might shift the circumstance. Or you can shift the beliefs and you. Will end up changing. Your own circumstance. Right. 

So, if you’re in an environment where it’s, you know you can’t see your way through to get to, you know another level or to another area or whatever; shift, the belief system about that being a block and one or two things will happen, the block will be eliminated in that environment where the environment… You will end up changing your environment to where that’s no longer true. Because again, what you believe to be true is what your experience is going to be, and  it will shift one way or the other? The second piece. I would say, and this was something. That I I heard this years ago and it just made such an impact. How I actually live my life. And it says the best way to predict the future is to create it.

Love that.

And it goes hand in hand, Cosmo, with your belief system, right? So, the best way to predict the future is to create it. If I have a vision and I’m focused and tuned in to what it is that I’m creating, then you start to have more certainty in where you’re going with life. You start to have more confidence in where you’re going with life. You’re not looking at external factors to help your success. Or help you know. Necessarily, right? You’re just looking at it from… How is it? What is it? How do I make the wisest decision moment to moment, day by day, in the direction of that vision? And that’s what it is that you want to create. So, I use this a lot with Business leaders and entrepreneurs when we’re working on their business strategy, and here’s the thing, right? 

So, for visionaries whom they’ve led, they’ve built businesses, they’ve had very successful businesses. The same old. Status quo strategies that we used to use only will take you so far Because they’re based on the fact that we have such an uncertain future, right? So, if you’re really hungry to move away from those old retread kinds of old business strategies that we’ve all known, where’s my competitor? What happened in the last five years? Who’s doing what then what you’re doing is you’re trying to predict the future based on the past. 

So, I am seeing we all support a whole new concept of leaders who really envision the future and who Know that they Have the ability to predict and create the future. And really rethink all the limitations of the so-called strategic planning processes. And so, we take them through a process. There they can actually bring more certainty into the uncertain world because they’re actually creating what they want to experience. They’re actually aligning themselves with what they want to experience, and they’re actually accessing a higher power, a higher level of intuition to move them in that direction with that experience and that vision.

So, Cynthia, what is the one thing you wish you had known before you started your career, especially when you started Radiant Blue LLC, and what advice would you give somebody that’s going to be starting off in your field and they don’t know where to begin. 

I would say get very, very clear on what it is that you want to experience, what it is that you want to create, what is the vision, and what’s real, what moves you passionately. To get up every day and take out Action toward that right or take action in. The direction of That.

so, clarity, so, so many people will say well. I just don’t know what I want to do and there are lots of ways to help go ferret that out and figure that out. And I would highly recommend that, that that be something that you spend some time doing. It’s somewhat introspective, but I really find out what inspires you. So, the word inspires, you know, it comes from spirit, right? So what is it that you get excited about, what inspires you and keeps you motivated through the ups and downs and the twists and turns of what you’re about to experience and… 

One of the common things I do notice when I’m interviewing people is clarity of vision combined with doing your why and also the passion for doing the work, every most successful be I think every successful person I’ve ever met They have always had. These are common traits. So, it’s interesting what you’re saying.

And clarity is so important. It’s one. Of the things that. You know, I talk about the higher level …Or stuff more stuff they want so much better. They want to experience life to its fullness and be able to give back to its fullness. And so, for people who really feel nudged towards something bigger than themselves, maybe a cause, maybe a mission, they have to really get clear on that to be able to have that as kind of the Safe Harbor to keep them going in Times of drought times of floods and times of right. In all the kinds of things that we tend to go through, you want to have such. A clarity of what that mission and that vision for yourself?

No, totally. So, Cynthia, you know, they say America is the land of the free and the place where dreams are made. Do you agree or disagree with that?

Oh, my goodness. First of all, I think that it’s a privilege to be in America. I told you I ran an international business development organization for a large defense contracting group and so I traveled All over the World, and I would tell you every time I came back to the United States, there was a piece that came over me. There was energy then you know about the country, about what it stood for. And there was. Always an appreciation and gratitude When I landed back in the United States. And so yes, I mean, I think for many of us, some of the things that we’ve done in our businesses, the opportunities may not have been here, been there to do that in another country to the extent that they are here in The United States.

You know. I’ve noticed this myself, like whenever. Like regards to, like, American freedom. Like, at least on the business front. Like you are free to do business and you have more opportunities over here than anywhere else in the world that I’ve seen, you know, so at least for me personally, that’s what I realized. In other places, there are so many restrictions, there are so many bureaucracies, there’s bureaucracy and everything. So yeah, so. What do you think is the biggest hurdle that Americans face when it comes to realizing The American Dream and what should they Do to overcome it? 

So, I think that in my observation it is. Can be a sense of an illusion of security. I call it an illusion of security and complacency. Because in America, unlike some countries. You know, we for the most part can get fresh water for the most part. We can find food. 

So, for the most part, right, I mean, we don’t live in America where there aren’t. There isn’t the ability to be able to. In some way or shape. Or form takes care of your family. Some level as to the degree that there is in some. Other countries

And so, the idea that If I don’t do… If I don’t go after that Dream, I’ll still be OK. If I don’t Push myself to start that business that I’ve had in my heart to go do. I’ll still be OK. Same with me. If I don’t leave corporate America, and if I play it out and do my 30 years like everybody said I should do and get my pension and then leave the company, I’d be OK. Life would be so bad. What would be wrong with that? 

But I always would say the same to you, you know, who said it, right? I don’t want to. I don’t want to die with my music still in me. I had something I wanted to do and live and experience right. I think to various degrees it’s very easy to Give up on your dream. There’s like. You’ll be OK. Complacency can set in. And I think that there’s an illusion of what I call security even in business. Well, I have a job. If I’m not in this job and I want to start a business, you know, and my business doesn’t go so well, what will happen? Well, we think there’s security in that job and yet I can tell you I’ve been through so many mergers, acquisitions, downsizing, job elimination, fired, and hired. Was the security in that? 

I’m going to say like right now? Like job security. Is that one of the lowest points, you know, like you could lose your you. And before, back in the day, there was a thing called job loyalty. You know, you could have worked with the company and then they would just treat you like family. But now that’s not the case. It’s like a ruthless kind of a ruthless world out there. 

Right, that was. That was, you know, my dance generation and that’s why he always does right. My parents and uncles and aunts would all say. Oh, you, you’re so lucky. Right. You go get your job and stay in the job for 30 years and then after 30 years I’ll get my watch and maybe I get, you know, my Social Security and pension and, you know, and we think that that is security. Because someone else is taking it. Care for us? And that’s it’s not.

And I think you know; we have the ability in America too. If we recognize that, we can do something about it. I can always say, you know. I had a fabulous career. I wasn’t unhappy, but I was not ashamed. I could have Spent all my time and, you know, retired, and got the watch and you know, and really. That’s all there was; Right now, there’s so much more. And I think again, you know, you talk about America and freedom and, you know, and to me, individual freedom is so important and being able to. Create a life on our own terms, And then be able to give back and lift up others that may need that on it. To me, that’s what it’s about. That’s what it’s about.

No, I totally agree. But like I think on the financial front, that’s just there’s been like. But I mean that’s the reason why the show came to being there. There seems to be a hypocrisy between our ideals of freedom and then on the financial front, many people are like, are not feeling that. 

Especially when it comes to inflation and the levels of debt that they have. This brings me to like the next question we’re asking. What are Your viewpoints around inflation and debt, like the inflation that’s happening Across the country right now, and your concept of how easy it is to be in debt?

Well, you know, we didn’t know. What causes inflation? 

You know, it’s like. 

Yeah, but like. Well, yeah. 

It’s like you could think. Oh, we’re suddenly now. You know, in a period of inflation or, oh, we’re suddenly now two quarters and we’re in a recession. And you know, I kind of look at that and I think nothing suddenly just happened. We know the patterns. We know the cycles, we Know what gets us in this situation. 

Like when people are looking at the savings account, right? Like they have the same amount of money, but how they Can buy fewer and fewer goods that make them poorer, then make them as it takes away their freedom on the financial. 

And it’s, you know, to me it’s a horrific situation that we find ourselves in, and here’s Kind of the thing I would say is that. You know, right down to the Community level whom we’re voting for in, in our school politics, whom we’re voting for in local politics, whom we’re electing to positions in our state politics and then governmental politics. All of those things matter.

And I think if We’ve seen a time, at least in my history, since I’ve been in voting it’s this is a time to recognize that all of that matters. All of that matters. You can’t just wait for oh, it’s a presidential election, so maybe I’ll get down and vote.

NO All the votes matter. Your local community Matters how our school boards matter, right? Because how are we training our children to have the values of recognizing that they can grow up to be and? And whomever they want to be and how they want to do it and have that personal freedom and express themselves. Well, I think as you know starting from very local politics on up we have to be involved in, in expressing our voice because if we’re not sitting here and we don’t like the fact that we’re in inflation and possibly recession. We need to look at whom we put in charge of making those kinds of policies. 

No, totally.

Right. So. Because why? Because It’s not it didn’t just happen. We know how it happens and we know. The kinds of. Decisions that are being made create those situations. And so, we need to be very conscientious that we’re aware of the kind of people that we’re putting in those positions of power to make those Decisions on behalf of our country.

And totally like in the last few years, we’ve seen a Lot of deterioration in the economy. But not just. That is also in the family unit and government. Where do you think America is headed and should we be optimistic about the future or not? 

Personally, I am optimistic. I’m very optimistic because I see these amazing things. First, I work. With a lot of different Entrepreneurs, right? And I work. You know I have… That’s my world to me, that’s kind of the hope of the future, really, right, because we create value in the marketplace. 

A lot of that Value is brought right into the local community where businesses are run and where you’re doing business. I think more than any Group of people, I think. Entrepreneurs also have a sense of uplifting humanity in different ways. They create technologies that are very uplifting to humanity. They give back in. Ways that are unbelievably beautiful. They empower each other, so I think it’s an amazing community. I think that’s the Hope for America’s future, for sure. 

And so, I think the more we could be doing things like what you’re doing right is getting out and talking to people, encouraging if you want to start your own business, how to be successful teaching them the skills that they need as well as some of the mindset, encouragement that sometimes people need but… Yeah, bringing that into the entrepreneurial World it’s those businesses that Have made America what it is and will continue to make America What it is in my opinion, and so I have a lot of hope. 

I do think that the bifurcation that we’re Seeing and the extremes that we’re seeing may get worse over the Next couple of years before it gets better. But I definitely think that it will get better, will it? I think that there’ll be a point in time when we’ll reach what I call. Right, you’ve heard. This is the tipping point. 

And I think there will be enough entrepreneurs when there will be enough business, people, business leaders, entrepreneurs, and people who actually create Wealth and value in the economy, right? When we get to. That tipping point of 51% or whatever it has to be the economy, will change the leadership of the United States of America. And I think that we will Create an even more powerful presence in the world. In a more appropriate way than ever before.

No, I totally agree with you, and it all starts with us, right? Having this discussion even with our audience inspired our audience to know that it is an entrepreneur, it is the entrepreneurial mindset and thoughts and actions it’s creating businesses that are going to create and help the economy versus just like… Policies in the government where you have high taxation or whatever like you have to do things that encourage other people to start businesses and start like trying to stop that. And that’s something that we have to do like on the Community level you know.

So, you know again, I mean things like this, what you’re doing with the Conversations that we’re having. Really It is If we as a community of entrepreneurs can support each other and uplift each other and help them help each other become so successful in whatever their endeavor is to me, that’s the golden key. 

I mean that’s what’s going to unlock and unleash literally when you started this podcast here today, you talked about, you know, freedom, the pursuit of happiness. It’s going to start. Is going to start with that.

And the most generous people in the world happen to be entrepreneurs. That doesn’t come from big business. Generosity comes from the hearts of entrepreneurs creating value, creating jobs, giving back to the community and that to me is, you know, that’s why I always love to come back to. America, because that’s what America stands for… For me.

No, I totally agree. So, Cynthia, I know Jen, you told us about Radiant Blue LLC and also incremental monumental change. Can you tell us there are foundations that prompted you to start Both of these?

 So Radiant Blue is a management consulting firm. We work with a lot of technology companies. We work with big industry defense contractors, and we go in and we help them with their strategies. We help them build their business. We work with Smaller technology companies that have some amazing technology that we want to bring to the market and scale their business. 

So that’s more of a traditional consulting firm from a perspective of Helping to build businesses, grow businesses and do strategy. And we help them in a very competitive environment. So, our clients are usually competing with other people in the industry and we work with our clients to make sure what I say is they are the obvious choice. 

So for Our clients, we help them position their businesses, and their products to rise to the top when it comes to performance and how they perform. And so that to me is a company that I started in 2014 and I brought my partner in a. Couple of years. Later and we’ll continue to grow that company. We have a number of folks that we have out at different clients, right? 

So, we have a whole group of consultants that work with us. And so, they’re engaged in various businesses. And then incremental monumental change was kind of spun off when we started working with entrepreneurs and leaders to really not only show them some of the basics of the things that they need to do in business and how to be better, but a lot of it is how to really get your head wrapped around what it is that you’re about to do. S

o, it and I would say this, if you have a dream that’s bigger than where you are today, then that’s what we want to work with You on right? Because if it’s something that’s so much bigger than where you are today and it’s so much bigger than what you can do by yourself, you’re going to have to enroll other people in doing it, then you’re going to need a team around you to help you do it, and you’re going to have to think about Strategy is different because if you have an idea, that’s a dream, a vision of what you want to go create. Then the same old kind of strategic planning processes I was talking about before, don’t work for you. Know you’ve got to get in. The mindset of How do I actually create? Because it’s not been done before. And so much of that, as you know, Cosmos is a mindset. It’s a thought process, right? How do I line myself up to that? How do I access That higher intuition and use that as an asset for me as opposed to some flawed logic of data that’s ten years old? 

I would definitely. I would definitely want to recommend an incremental monumental change to like me to my audience because I think it’s all it’s the right thing to do with regards to the thought process 

So, check out the website. My website is about the incremental mind and mental change and it talks about what we do and the process of how. We do it. And it’s just that it’s immersive, it’s engaging and it’s just a beautiful way of helping you know when we talk. One of the very first things is to get really clear on what you really want. It really separates the wheat from the shaft, right? I mean, so entrepreneurs have the opportunity to really get clarity. 

And when you have that clarity. Right. It gets back to how our brain works. Right. When we focus on something. All of a sudden everything starts to line up and you start seeing the opportunities that you never would have seen before you start experiencing things that you didn’t know that lined up to where it is that you’re going.

That’s what I love about the incremental monumental change. It’s all about showing people how to do entrepreneurship and like get and like get into that path the 1st way. So, I really love that. 

So, is there any other work that you’re doing right now that you’d like to the audience? And us to get a glimpse at this point in time.

I would say check out The website incremental monumental change and it will just give you some ideas and thoughts about what’s possible for you and for your business and for where you know, wherever you are in your business, and whether it’s getting really clear or you may be saying, hey, Cynthia. I’m so clear. This is what I want to do. I have a whole … I have a heart… Or, but I just don’t even know where to go next. I don’t know where to start. Well, we can help you with that. And that’s kind of part of the process. You know, when I started experiencing it and learning how to apply it for myself and my own business, it was amazing, and I just had a heart and a passion to start sharing That with others. 

And so, you’ll see that Out there and I am working on a book and my book is so I’m Going to be Doing some interviews. And something like this actually and talking to other people, because the book I’m writing is the working title. Corporate consciousness and the bottom line. Because I really believe that In business, we can have the science of achievement, we can have the art of fulfillment, and we can have both and see an amazing impact on our bottom line. And our life. 

So yeah, so it’s just really my own experience of putting that piece together.

OK, so I know that you mentioned the website again as the incremental monumental So other than that, how can our audience connect with you and get to know and reach out to you if they have?

To perfect my email is So certainly, connect me by email if you want to check out our management firm, Radiant Blue Radiant is our website for the consulting firm Ready to consult.  So, either way, you can contact me through either of those. 

Either of those websites and for me this was actually I’ll just throw this out there because I’m thinking about going into another publication, another print of this. This is the very first book. It’s called in search of wisdom. 

And Cosmo, I wrote this. When I left the corporate world. And I needed to figure out where to go and what to do and how to do it. And it was my own search for wisdom into how to bring about the combination of. I wanted to have success and wealth and all of those things that I didn’t have as a child. But I also needed a sense of fulfillment. And so I wrote this book as the six master keys to living the life that you want and deserve. And my dear friend Bob Proctor wrote. The forward to the book for me. And so, if anybody’s interested in the book, they could contact Me, and I’d be glad to send them a copy.

That’s awesome. So, I would have to conclude the interview here. Cynthia, thank you so much for taking the time to Come to this show. And we would like to have you back into the show like you’re an extraordinary American and you have actually inspired a lot of people, and there’s a lot of women entrepreneurs out there that can actually be. Inspired by your story? And that they can apply this to their own life. And it’s also part of the greater strength of the extraordinary American story. So, I’m glad that you came to the show, and that you would like to have me back at some point.

Well, Cosmos, thank you so much. Thanks for having me. What a pleasure. I appreciate it and thanks for letting me share some of the things that are so. Important to me. And I hope That in some way. It did touch others. And gives them the courage to Just move forward and trust themselves. 

Truly, I’d like to conclude by saying to my fellow extra Americans that, hey, there is an Extraordinary within each and every one of us. And it’s our job to power and unleash them. So, until next time, bye for now. 

Bye. Thanks Cosmos.

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