Entrepreneurial Immigrant Identity of America with Morry David

In this episode Cosmos Dar interviews Morry David. Morry has an education in electronics, advertising, marketing, and journalism, which has allowed his entrepreneurial nature to flourish. His music industry career started as a music teacher at age sixteen and continued for many years. At twenty one he opened the most advanced recording studio in the Philadelphia area in which he recorded top artists like Stevie Wonder. He then applied his knowledge of sound dynamics to custom design systems for all of the area’s top discotheques. At thirty he owned a successful security distributorship and was recruited by manufacturers to design alarm equipment. He currently operates a security company where his innovative systems range from detection and reporting devices, access control, remote cctv, computer networking and commercial phone systems. As an eleven-year board director of HVAA, his marketing and fund-raising efforts supported the activities of thousands of children. His involvement with the E. S. J. F. foundation has helped raise over $3 million for breast cancer research. His passions range from helping children, raising money for charity to playing music and writing. He has written multiple bestselling books under his pen name: M. David such as “The Chase” and “The Ghost of Sheppard’s Inn”. He latest book, (Cosmo), is currently on its way to become a major motion picture. Morry has also done multiple podcasts, webcasts and TV interview shows. He’s currently developing a series for the BLU TV network where he will produce and co-host multiple shows addressing bullying, fears, dementia, the mindset of an entrepreneur, etc.. He is a firm believer that the fear of failure should never interfere with pursuing a dream.

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Hello, my fellow extraordinary Americans, welcome back to the podcast. In today’s interview, we have Morry David.

Morry David had an education and electronics advertising, marketing, and journalism, and has allowed his entrepreneurial nature to flourish. His music industry career started as a music teacher at age 16 and continued for many years at age 21, he opened the most advanced recording studio in the Philadelphia area in which he recorded top artists like Stevie Wonder.

He then applied his knowledge of sound dynamics to custom-designed systems for all of the area’s top discotheques. At 30, he owned a successful security distributorship and was recruited by manufacturers to design alarm equipment; he currently operates a security company, where innovative systems range from detection and reporting devices, access control, remote CCTV, computer networking, and commercial phone systems.

As an 11-year board director of HVAA, his marketing and fundraising efforts supported the activities of thousands of children. His involvement with the SGF Foundation has helped raise over 3,000,000 for Breast Cancer Research. His passions ranged from helping children and raising money for charity to playing music and writing. 

He has written multiple best-selling books under the name M David. Such as the chase and the ghost of shepherds in his latest book, Cosmo is currently on its way to becoming a major motion picture. More has also done multiple podcasts, webcasts, and TV interview shows. He’s currently developing a series for the Blue TV network where he will produce and co-host multiple shows addressing bullying, fears, dementia, the mindset of an entrepreneur, etc. He’s a firm believer that the fear of failure would never interfere with pursuing a dream. I believe that he’s an extraordinary American and I’m honored to have him on this Show. Maury, are you there? 

I am coming here. My video should be right. There I am. How are you? 

Hey Morry, I’m doing good. How are you doing? 

I’m doing terrific. It’s a great day. The Phillies are on their way to winning the World Series. So, I stayed up late last night watching them. It’s like a Rocky Story. It’s great. 

I haven’t watched that so I would be curious as to how the game progresses. 

Yeah, it’s pretty exciting. But anyhow, it’s so nice to meet you. I talked to you many times. I’ve spoken to you many times and it was so nice to see your face. And I can’t wait to answer any questions you might have about me. 

Yeah, actually I wanted to know a little bit more about you. Like, I know you’re a serial entrepreneur. You’ve been in the music industry. Your best-selling author, can you tell us a little bit more about yourself, your background, and how you got started? 

Well, you know, I was kind of a strange child. You know, I love taking things apart to find out how they work. And I would always put them back together again. There may be a few extra components that I left behind that I couldn’t figure out where they were, but nonetheless, I lived my entire life examining things, taking them apart, putting them back together, and attempting to make them. 

So you know, I used to be a music teacher. I taught hundreds of children how to play the piano. I went to a music school. I made radio commercials at the age of 18 years old. I had a recording studio at age 21. When the discotheques started to evolve, I recognized that most of the time they used electricians who put in sounds, but they didn’t know anything about sound dynamics.

So, I used these custom-designed systems for Discotic for a while, then went to the security business and realized that the manufacturers had no clue as to how their equipment looked in a residential application. They predominantly made commercial-rate equipment, so I helped them design residential equipment. I did that for many years, designed much equipment and was a distributor for a long time and then I went into the custom alarm business where today I have many, many customers, high-end customers where we do remote viewing for police camera systems and fire systems, and phone systems. It just goes on and on. But what was interesting. You know, as we progress in life, especially somebody like me, looking at how to make things better, we start changing the way that we look at things. And I decided that I wanted to do more than just the discotheques and the alarms and things of that nature.

So, I started writing books and my first book became a bestseller in three hours. My second book became a bestseller immediately. My third book now, as you said, is on its way to being made into a movie, and while I’m working on that, I just finished the 4th. My wife just doesn’t understand why I can’t sit back and relax, but that’s not me. I’ve been taking things apart trying to make things better my whole life and hopefully, when we get finished with this podcast we influence somebody and perhaps give them a purpose of making themselves better. So, you know, we’re going to fire people. And I thank you for asking the questions and allowing me to answer them. 

No, I have to thank you, because there’s like a lot of nuggets in there like you. Basically the entire career is about you finding the opportunities and then turning them into a business and then monetizing it. And that’s basically it’s a way of thinking, you know. So, it’s basically an entrepreneurial spirit that I feel like most people should have, like where you look at an opportunity. And then you find out where the person needs help or where you can add value and then you figure out how to run a business around it and then monetize it. And so yeah. 

The biggest thing that prevents people from doing things is fear. Uh, I think we discussed this, so I had a phone conversation a while ago and we were just talking about fear. You know, people have been taught to stay safe, be conservative, and not go outside their box. And whenever somebody has an idea, generally speaking, there’s always a person behind them telling them to say that they shouldn’t do it because perhaps it’s not a good idea. Or maybe you’ll fail. I look at it saying we’ll never know whether it’s a good idea until you. Try it and what would be the worst that could happen? You made a mistake. Well, that’s how we learn by making mistakes, that’s a learning process, so it’s not a failure to try something if it doesn’t work out. It’s a learning mistake. 

In fact, Edison was asked when he was making the light. The filament for the light bulb. He basically had 1000 failures, so they thought until they asked Edison, you know about his thousand failures. And he looked at the interviewed person. Said I don’t. Know what you’re talking about, I didn’t have any failures at all. I figured out 1000 ways how not to make a light bulb. So I never  failed.

I like that.

It was a Process to get me to where I succeeded, so a failure in many cases. You know when we think of well, we don’t want to fail. Maybe we shouldn’t do it. That really isn’t a proper way of thinking or way of thinking. Let me try something. Let me do the best I can and let’s see what happens and people that do that generally succeed. They don’t fail.

So, a continuation. Of this concept, right? So, a lot of people, you know, most people have fewer failures, but especially when it comes to business, there’s a fear of financial failure. It’s almost existential. And emotional. So how would you? What would you tell the audience about how to overcome the fear of, like, losing all your savings, or trying to start a business in today’s environment? That’s A very general thing for most people.

That’s kind of interesting if you speak to anybody that has wealth, they will tell you they never use their own. Never. They always use somebody else’s money, so it’s the person that says I put up everything I have. That is the wrong way of conducting your business. What you should do is get your ideas in a proper fashion where you can talk to somebody That would invest in you. You let them put up their money, so your job isn’t to sit there and put up your home. Yours is to put up your passion to properly put out a business plan that you can walk into a bank and walk into an investor and say, listen, I studied this. This is how much this is going to cost to do this is how much I’m going to make. This is a no-brainer. You can’t lose if you invest in me. 

So that’s basically how you should approach a business. You should never put up with your life savings ever. So, when somebody says, well, you know, I’m afraid I’m going to lose all my money while they’re thinking incorrectly. I have never used my own money on anything.

No, that’s a really important fundamental concept because like, you know, a lot of people when starting out like, they’re not starting out from a 1% mindset perspective. Like they’re there’s like these different levels, right? There’s a poverty-level way of thinking at a middle-class level. Way of thinking so it’s. More of how they transition from that state To the 1%. While overcoming the fear of failure, because that’s ultimately the biggest test of life, right?

That’s correct.

And it’s a mindset. You know, if you automatically say, well, if I. Do this. There’s a possibility of failure. You have put some negative energy in your mindset. Because in the back of your mouth, you think you’re going to fail. That’s the wrong way of approaching something in the back of your mind. You should think you’re going to succeed. You should not worry about failure, because if you’re always worrying about failure, it’s like a sports team that’s so worried that they play defense all the time. Because they’re afraid they’re going to lose, they constantly play defense. Well, if you play defense, you win. You have to play offense, but if you’re so afraid that the other teams want to beat you, that all you care about is stopping them from beating you, how could you possibly win? Your mindset is defending yourself; you know. And that’s not a way of moving forward.

No, I totally agree. But I think one of the views, one of the excuses that a lot of people would give, and I want the audience to know that they should not have this excuse is that their family and their friends are going to tell them, hey, you can’t do this. Who do you think you are? And they’ll basically put a lot of negativities like a lot of times our environment dictates who we are. And for most people, their environments are filled with a poverty-level way of thinking of everybody because they’re Jealous that What if this person succeeds? You know I’m going to lose my friend or something like that. What do you think a person should do if they’re in an environment where everybody is against them trying to succeed? It’s kind of like a crab Bucket thing. Where all the crabs are going to try to, because that’s what happens right in the most, the 99% and the 1% the more a large chunk of the 90%, they find that their fellow Member is trying to get to one person they will try to bring that person down.

Well, that’s correct. I just finished writing my latest book called Why some people can fly. It hasn’t been published yet. It’s going through the process. And I trust that you’re correct. From the time that we are born, our lives are controlled. We don’t realize it’s controlled. But you know when you’re a baby. You were born out of the Womb, which is the form of a box, and the first thing a baby parent does to a little baby is swaddle the baby, they close their arms with blankets around them. That is to make them feel. Comfort. They shouldn’t escape. Everything’s fine. And as the Baby grows. They’re put in a different box or crib. And then later, they got to get their own room, and then they went to school. But it’s a group of boxes telling the child what to do.

In the beginning stages of Our life, everybody is telling us what to do. And I want to watch Out for us. I Want to make sure we don’t get hurt. And as we grow, when we go to college, you know, they talk about risk. You know, we shouldn’t do this. You shouldn’t do that again. Telling you not to do things all right. So, what happens is we have a Society of people that basically say, listen, you know, you shouldn’t do anything risky. This is not because that’s what they were taught. Don’t do anything risky. 

So now when you have a person that’s passionate about. The project and discuss it with their friends, neighbors, their relatives, the first thing that their friends and neighbors, relatives they’ll say are, listen, you shouldn’t do that. You have a wonderful life. Why do you want to risk things now? It’s for many reasons. Just like you said. Number one, they may be jealous. Because they are watching you, trying to go to the next level. And in reality, if you move to the next level, it shows them that there’s something wrong with them. Why is it that you can move to the next level that they can’t? So that’s one reason why they try to tell you not to do it. They want you to stay at the level they’re at. Another reason is that they necessarily understand what your passion is. They can’t, in their mind, envision that project working. Why? Because It’s your idea. It’s not theirs. 

So, when they try to think of making them, making that idea work and they can’t make it work, they figure, well, they can’t make it work. Neither can you. But that’s improper because it’s your idea, not theirs. So certainly, they can’t do your work. So that’s another reason they can’t picture it working.

A third reason might be social dynamics. Sometimes you know, we grow accustomed to our lives, we live in a box. We make money. Everything’s fine and you know now when you take it to the next level, you’re now entering a different realm. Are you putting your current life at risk? Do you want to? All right, so you now have to look at it and say how can I move to the next level without risking what I have? Well, many people don’t believe it can be done. So again, they tell you not to do it. 

So, with all these naysayers around, primarily 95% of the people just don’t do whatever they wanted to do because. They’re talked out of it, and there’s only a few that go ahead and say, wait a minute. You know, I’m going to do it and I’ll play the cards and… Oh, well, at least I have no regrets. And I tried.

Yeah, this is like one thing that makes me really sad is because a lot of people have so much potential, like a lot of good could have happened had they had the correct environment and they had, you know, there’s a saying, there’s that we’re the five people we hang out with the most. But there are five people that they hung out with who turned out to be people that were having a certain type of mindset. And then they brought them down and they made them believe that they could not do it. But in reality, they couldn’t do it. They just needed the correct environment to flourish, so yeah. This is a very important topic that we’re talking about. Because most people’s dreams could be attained if they just Had the right vomit, or they did not listen to those nah-sayers.

Well, you know something, like the advice that I give when I mentor people is, first of all, find people that can mentor you, that gives you positive input, negative input, find somebody that maybe went on to their level because they tried. Something in their life, and they realized, wow, I did this. Like people, they’re around and just talk to them. You’d be surprised. How people at the next level want to help you because they feel they’re obligated… It happened to them, and they want it to happen to you, so there are many ways of achieving the Great American dream, all right, and that is the #1 find A mentor. It doesn’t really have to be about the project you’re working on, but find somebody that has, if it’s positive in your life that puts you on the back and says I believe in you because you need that. That you need to wake up in the morning and realize that somebody cares that you succeed. 

So, find that person all right. Now, today, education is easy to access from Google to Wikipedia. Well, sorry, I have a problem pronouncing that name. Wikipedia, I think. Is that correct? You educate yourself, not necessarily having four years of college to educate yourself, although there’s nothing wrong with that, you can educate yourself very easily today. 

So, if you find the right person and educate yourself, and then figure out a goal and a game plan. You know, you just can’t say, hey, I want to be the best offer in the world. Well, maybe you have some talent. But you have to practice. You know, if you have certain achievements that you want to break out of, you have to understand what it takes to get there through education, through practice, through people. Money sometimes becomes an issue, but again you have to learn how to present your plan to the proper people, so they’ll give it to you. 

So, you know what we can achieve in America especially you know we have the opportunity to much and I talk to many people that come from all over the world and they come to America. And the interesting thing about those people, they go after things more than the typical American because when they came to America, to them, this is the land of opportunity. 

So they go out of their way, basically have a job and work their life and come home and watch. Really, an immigrant? That’s not their life. They want their life to be better. So, you know, I love talking to people that come to America because you can see their passion. They just have to learn the system and whatever we can do to teach them the system, they achieve their work and dream and I’m so happy that ours. You know, Mark is built on immigrants naturally, but somehow typical people in America got a little lazy. And I’m not saying that in a bad way. They just got comfortable. OK, they don’t want it enough and you know, that’s what you have to do to go to the next level.

No, I agree. Uh, I knew that I kept here as an immigrant, and I noticed the contrast between other nations and America. And I said, man, this is a place where opportunities can happen like. Dreams can be made, you know. And I was trying to get the advantage of that. I was trying to basically work and succeed. However, the way that is possible, it’s more like looking at the opportunities like fine-tuning, how can I succeed? Where can I add value? 

But it’s interesting because you know, American identity is based on immigrants, rights, immigrant energy, and the immigrant energies are highly tied to the entrepreneurial spirit. Because the reason for that is that immigrants come to a new land and they have to. Find a way to make it work so the entrepreneurial spirit Is more like how? Do I make things work? OK, I’m new to the area I don’t have. I’m far outside my comfort zone. It goes back to American history altogether, right? The first immigrants of the century who came over there had not had to figure out how to make things work. And I feel like that’s like the Foundations upon which America was made altogether, and that’s what makes America so amazing in my eyes.

And you know, we have to instead of promoting negative thoughts, we have to promote positive thoughts from the time that we’re parents with our children. If our children make a mistake doing something, we have to say to them you didn’t make a mistake. You did great. What did you learn? From it?

We have to show them that you know they have the opportunity to do great things and we have to help them bring it out. Unfortunately, what happens in many places where both parents are working, they, they don’t. They’re so tired when they get home and they’re doing all the routines that they have to do to bring up their kids. But they don’t spend the time to support them. They think they are, but in reality, they’re just tired and they’re beating up and we have to figure out a way to take our children and to say you can do this, we support you, you can be great in your life. 

You know, my parents used to look at me and just say what the heck is he doing next? You know, then one day they would come, and the doorbell wouldn’t work, and my father would say, why isn’t the doorbell working? And it’s because I needed a part of the doorbell for a little invention I was making, you know? So, they were used to me doing crazy things. But, you know, to me, you have to work with. Children and you have to basically bring out their childlike dreams because, in reality, those dreams do come true.

So, Speaking of that, right, Marie, you have been doing entrepreneurship since you were a teenager . What was the motivating factor or the drive that made you think and act in a certain way, like even from the age of 16 onwards when you started your first business?

Well, it was interesting. You know when I was younger. 6-7 years old. My parents had a piano and I had many piano teachers to be quite honest, I just didn’t get it. I fully understand why I had to play the scales, why this was important, why that was important, and why my parents were just practicing and for what? 

And it wasn’t until I had a progressive piano teacher, he was a jazz pianist, and he was telling me that there are no rules in music. And here for the first four teachers I had, they were teaching me rules, and this guy saying they’re slow rules. It’s whatever you want and How is that possible? And you would play things and I would say where is that written? He said it’s written from my heart. It’s not always the notes and once I started to understand what he was talking about, I said, boy, this would be a great way of teaching the piano.

So, what happened is I started teaching piano and I went to my parents, and I said listen, if you have a child that doesn’t want to play, I understand because I was that child. Give me the opportunity to teach your child. And I will show you that your child could love the piano, and the parents would like it. Well, doesn’t he have to practice? I should leave it up to me. I don’t want you to. Even talk to your child. About practicing.

So, the first time I would sit down with that child. You can tell they didn’t want to be. You know, I’m sitting on a bench with them. They didn’t even want to play. And I would say to them, you don’t, you don’t really want me to be here, do you? And most of them would say, he said. Well, I’ll tell you. What song do you want? What song do you like? And they would mention a song, and I would play it for them. And they liked it. And I said, want me to teach that to you? And most of them were shocked. They said, well, what about the scales? What about the other stuff I said, I forget that. I’m going to teach you how to play the song that you like. OK, I would show them. And they would practice it on their own. And lo and behold. They’re playing music and their parents are like, what’s going on? My son is playing music, and every time I would see them, I would say, listen, if you play that song properly, the next time I come, I’m going to show you another song. And after a while, they began to love to play the piano. What they didn’t know is the function of the scales. And all the things that you need to learn how to play, where it’s actually built into the song itself.

So, by then playing the song they were doing, the scales, they just didn’t know. So, what happened was I became known as the person that could, like spark their child, and from that, I opened up a music school. I talked with our teachers to teach the same way and at 16/17 I had a music school, so it all started from my realizing that. Learning has to come from love. You have to want to learn. You know you can’t force learning onto a person if they want to learn something, they will really learn, but you have to go into their heart, not necessarily their minds. You know the heart, actually, we think that our minds are what controls us, and scientists recently found out that no, it’s your heart. I know it’s a hard thing to understand, but science has that your heart directs your mind on what to do.

So, I actually noticed an interesting analogy to What you’re saying. So, the way you got that child to play the music, right? And then there and then you had the parents that were trying to teach them. A certain way. It’s very similar to how. In the American system. Right now, as we have it, the Economic system is in place. In such a way that most people are just like, uh, slaves to the corporate world, where they are being put as like cogs in the wheel, they’re just part of a machine. 

But the real American spirit is them doing what they want to do. They want to experience; they want to have their American dream and what they’re passionate about. And a lot of people are disconnected from their “why”. And what makes them passionate? What they actually, truly love, and we could just nurture that on a national scale, just exactly like how you did with that child. They would just turn everything around, like where we encourage. Our fellow Americans basically, do what they want to do, like. Experience their own American dream and show them how to? Do it then. That would actually affect the economy in certain ways much better.

What takes everything? In fact, the movie I’m making is a stepping stone to doing just that. So, when you’re ready, we can discuss that, but yes. OK, I’m going to start a movement where we actually encourage children to follow their passions, and the children will fix the world. And I know that’s an odd statement to make, but like.

No, it’s not because it’s the children that are the future of the country.

Right, if you.

Have you had to nurture the children so that they are the next generation? They’re the future. Like what thoughts and actions we put in the children eventually ripple out into the world over a period of time.

Yes, and my long-term goal is that we can actually help the children fix all the problems of the world and within 30 years we won’t have global warming. We won’t have issues with pollution. We won’t have issues about wars. I know all this sounds a little off the wall, but it starts with a six-year-old.

So, whenever you’re ready, I’ll talk about that. But I don’t want to jump in order. You may have certain things you want to ask me. In a certain order.

Yeah, I want to ask you a few questions before that, but yeah, definitely going to ask you about that because that’s like that’s also an important concept, right? I feel like in America, we need to instill in. Our children have an entrepreneurial spirit, we got to get them. To know what their “why” is, and what they’re passionate about, and then connect that “why” into what they love and show them how to monetize it. Because if that happens, then they can’t. Then you’re producing and you’re basically creating products and services naturally. And then we need to encourage that instead of stifling it. The way I feel is happening, right? 

Now in this country, you’re right. And We have to inspire, and we have to make children believe in themselves. We have to bring out their imagination. You know, there were many people that created wonderful things in our world. A guy like Steve Jobs, when said, hey, I’m going to make a telephone, but it’s also going to be a camera. And it’s also going to be a computer. It’s also going to be this and his own company, the engineers were like, what are you talking about?

And in fact, he was fired from Apple because the people in charge of making money could not wrap their heads around all his crazy ideas. And what they didn’t realize is when they fired him, Apple products innovation stopped. And the actual people that loved Apple products waiting for the next best thing. They got very upset because it was never the thing. The same computer is in a different color and a different size. But where was the innovation? They had Steve Jobs back to bring back innovation to Apple. 

There are many entrepreneurs like that that sometimes there’s a disconnect between how they make money and their ideas, but that’s OK. We can fix that. I went back in time to file 40 people that shaped our world and the shocking thing was that most of the people were on the spectrum of autism. 

And the reason that they were able to do what they did was number one, their perspective was different, OK? They envisioned things differently. And then they hyper-focused, they shut off the outside world. They shut off the naysayers. Well, when you do that, nobody’s telling you can’t do it, they are basically hyper-focused and get it done. And that’s why Steve Jobs was so good at what he did. Benjamin Franklin nickel, like Tesla, you know? We have so many people in history that I pointed out in the book, but it was shocking, a revelation to me that many of these people were on the spectrum of autism.

I mean I know that Steve Jobs, he eventually did not actually have the money at the beginning but like got the money from somebody else. Like just as you’re saying. But he also had that innovative spirit, like there’s a certain creative spirit about her like he was basically importing. The American spirit. Of like innovation and like creating a Product and then what they did were those what the Board of Directors did were they basically were I would say anti-American in a way because they were. Trying to stifle. That’s right. And I feel like there’s like a battle in this nation right now between people that have the creators here that are trying to do it. And then there are others that are trying to stifle that creativity. That entrepreneurial spirit altogether, and this needs to be encouraged on this side.

And if we start with the children. You know, remember, children are not biased. They’re not prejudiced, not at 6 years old. Their minds are like sponges. This is the best time to help a child, not when they turn 18. By the time they turn 18, they already have some negative ideas and positive ideas. You know they’re big, they were. Program by society, but a 6-year-old, and 7-year-old have not been programmed yet. So that’s the best time to bring out the childlike spirit, and the imagination and support the child. Because our world is built, built on their ideas.

So, Mary, I wanted to ask you regarding your music career and also when you went into the security business, what are the biggest lessons that you learned during your time of entrepreneurship and business? And also, what was the biggest challenge You have faced in your entire career? 

Well, what I learned took me a while to learn. Is everything you do in life taking a specific amount? Of your time. Now, if you understand time management, you can set up situations where your time and effort can be freed up to do other things. 

So in most cases, people become slaves to their businesses. They have no time; they work so hard. And there’s no reason why they don’t have time other than the fact that they feel that no, they came home, their job off to somebody they’re not the architect. They’re micromanagement people. They must do everything themselves.

Well, what happens is you become Late and you’re now working 60-hour weeks. You’re putting strain. You’re putting a strain on your family relationship, you’re putting a lot of stress on your life. You may have a heart attack because of it, and it has to do with time. You have to look at whatever you’re doing and say can I make this same amount of money using less of my time. And I know that sounds strange, but in most cases imagine you have a great idea and you have a job. You have a wonderful job. You love it. OK? But you have another idea, and you say, how am I ever going to do this idea? I’m spending 50 hours a week doing my job. Well, the thing is, you have to figure out how to spend 30 hours a week Doing your job. You have to free up your time.

Maybe you might have to go to sleep an hour later or wake up an hour earlier, but nevertheless, you have to find a home to do things that make you feel good. Sometimes it’s Exercise. Some people have no time to exercise. Well, guess what? You have to make time. If not, your body’s going to fall apart when you get older, you’re going to have issues. 

And it was a stepping stone for me to learn how to create businesses that don’t require my time, whether I hand it off to somebody or you just figure out how to do it. My business is now 80% recurring revenue or passive, meaning that I only have to spend 20% of my time to keep those whistles. And when I figured that out, that’s when I became a bestselling writer. That’s when I started doing all these other things because I recognized now that I have free time, what do I want to do?

So, my passions came forward and I started doing things that my wife would look at me and go. What are you doing? And basically, I did things that I loved and other people found that they kind of loved it as well. So, they embraced what I was doing, and it just gave me the impetus to go further. 

Yeah, I noticed one of the common themes, and like really successful people is that they are passionate about and they love what they’re doing. So, it does not really work as saying it’s just they just love doing that naturally and then they just figure out a way to monetize it and then that becomes like a business in itself

But continuing on this regarding a lot of Americans, right, they face challenges facing the American there. There are a bunch of hurdles. What do you think is the biggest hurdle that Americans face when it comes to realizing their American dream? And what do you think they should do to overcome it? 

Well, now this. This goes back to the mind. The biggest hurdle that most people have is fear. If their fear stops them. For some reason, whether they’ve been trained all their life not to take risks, or whether all their passions have been suppressed, they are afraid. They don’t know why they’re afraid, but they really don’t do things because they’re afraid. 

Now, once you understand that fear is in your mind. You can then break out and I’m going to give you an example of how fear can be misconstrued. In my garage and my house there are four ladders now. My wife thought that was really strange because she said you said you’re afraid of heights. Why do You have four ladders? I said, well, here’s what the fable is when I get over the letter, I left them. I’m at the top of the ladder, I’m afraid. But I realized it wasn’t a fear of heights. It was a fear of unstable ladders. I started to buy better ladders, fiberglass, heavy-duty ladders, and, you know, the strange thing was I climbed that ladder. And I was no. Longer afraid, which meant my fear was wrong. I originally thought I was afraid of That wasn’t what I truly was afraid of. I was afraid of the ladder going out under me, I was afraid of falling because that ladder couldn’t hold me and in my mind, it said well, because I’m afraid of heights. No, it wasn’t the height at all. The height didn’t bother me. It was the latter. 

And that’s the same thing that people go through in their lives. They set up fear about something. But the reality is if they actually write it down on paper, what am I afraid of? They can’t write it down. It was just something set from the time that they were young saying you shouldn’t do this. There’s a safety issue but in reality, there was No Fear at all. It’s just the way that they were brought up, and once your mind understands that, then you can go ahead and do whatever you want.

I like this aspect where your mind has a solution-oriented perspective. OK, I have a fear of this. How do I solve it? You know, and what I noticed in today’s society is that a lot of people have the same issue, but they’re like they’re to blame. Their circumstances and they blame everything else except for coming back to the main thing, which is OK, what can I do to fix it? Do I change my environment, or do I just basically think and act in a different way so you see it? There’s like a shift in perspective versus how most people would think versus how the real American spirit is, which is let’s find a solution. You know.

When somebody comes to this country, they have to understand the language. They have to understand systems. So, their fear, and I can’t imagine it because I was born in this country, but an immigrant coming in, I would think that they’d be afraid of learning the system. They know what they want to do, but they also understand that now I have to learn how to speak English. I have to learn what the processes are. Well, that’s not a fear. That’s a Challenge. And basically, so when they come in and they learn this, it’s not because they’re afraid, it’s a challenge. They will figure it out because that’s why they came to America. 

So, they’re kind of fearless, you know because they accepted their challenge and they succeeded. Whereas when you live in America, you don’t have that. Basically, you have your parents, your friends, and your relatives telling you not to do that. Well, you, you know, you have a nice life. You have a beautiful family. Why would you want to do something and take you away from the family and a reality that’s wrong? They’re getting all this negative input. If they actually had a person saying that’s a great idea, how could I help you? All of a sudden, things would change in America. So, we need more inspiring type people. 

No, I totally agree and basically, you know, there’s like a continuation of what essentially a lot of Americans are feeling like right now. There’s, like, been a deterioration in the financial sector and they also feel like there’s a deterioration in family, and government, and they do not think that America is. And anymore, the light of the hill. But I wanted to ask you, where do you think America is headed? And do you think we should be optimistic about this? 

Well, we have to be optimistic because if we think in a negative sense, only negative things happen. So, when people look around and say, “Oh my God, the world is going, everything’s crazy. I don’t even want to live anymore”. What is that going to do? How is that possibly going to make things better than what we have? To say is. “Whatever we’re experiencing today is temporary”. 

All right, it’s capable of changing now if we wanted to change it will change. If we have a negative feeling about it, everything’s going to go negative. So the only way things can change is for us to look and say, wow, look how far we came two years ago we had COVID we were stuck in our homes. We couldn’t do anything. Now, look at us now. We’re going back to restaurants. We’re back on airplanes, isn’t that great, see we take all that stuff for, you know, for granted. Yet two years ago, we were all just stuffed in our homes. 

So, in reality, is our life really that bad? It was much worse. Two years ago, we were worried about getting sick. Where we’re about to go to the hospital that defined us. All right, so what we’re looking at is the economy and we’re looking about. It will cost more money. OK, you’re right, it does. But we will adjust, all right? It’s not going to be Forever. So, we can’t look At Doom and Gloom and say next. The month I won’t. Be able to afford my car. Yes, you will. You may have to adjust your lifestyle a little bit, but this is not forever. So, we have to look at things in a positive view rather than a negative view. If we want things to get better. 

No, totally. I totally agree with you on that.

I wanted to, I wanted to ask you on a different note. I know that you wrote this Book called The Cosmo. And you’re turning it into a movie. Can you tell the audience a little bit more about that? 

Yes, this ties into my wanting to make things better. The book that I wrote originally was based on the movie ET and I looked at ET and I said, boy Steven Spielberg is incredible. I love the movie ET. I don’t know if you saw many people. Have seen it, but you know, as I watched ET. I’m thinking to myself, would this be better? I mean, this movie was about an adolescent alien that accidentally was left on Earth. And his sole purpose was to leave Earth and go back home. That’s not bad, really. A bad plan. Except that could this be changed. So, I looked at it as saying what if an alien came to Earth not to leave earth, but to make earth better? 

So, it started out as an alien that lived in another Galaxy. His world was his, the Sun and his solar system were flying. His world is dying. He’s the last one on his planet. And he just figures out a way of turning himself with pure energy and going into a rock-type vessel and creating a black hole. He’s very smart. And he did these things, unfortunately, he came to Earth as an enormous asteroid. His Little Rock had accumulated matter in it when it entered a black hole, and he’s now in. He’s an asteroid, out of control, and slams into the Earth. He was the reason why the dinosaurs all died off. 

So, I kind of tied a lot of science with this. And here he is waiting 65 million years. He’s In Iraq, and he’s discovered by two teenagers, a brother, and a sister, in Little Rock, they don’t know he’s in this rock. They just see a glowing rock and they bring it home and the rock accidentally gets eaten by their brand-new golden retriever puppy. So, I put Ethan. I put Ethan in a puppy, you know? 

So now I change the dynamics of ET a little bit. And here this dog is trying to get a handle on the world. It’s trying to get a handle on a human being. You know, he just entered this dog, you know, he’s inside the dog and he can’t talk, and he can’t do much.

So, he basically is just using the dog to learn about humans and he’s watching TV and he’s quite disappointed in the human race. You know, of course, the images that he sees on TV aren’t exactly Show us in the proper mode if you want to go with that. He doesn’t understand TV’s fantasy, he just can’t figure out why people are living this way and all. He’s also watching the news and he doesn’t understand why we’re fighting, why we have nuclear bombs. He’s just saying what’s going on with these people.

And you know, as he lives with his family, he starts to learn more about what families are about. He starts watching the family rather than TV, and he realizes, wait, wait a minute. Humans are worth saving. Well, I have to do my Best. Well, he does. A lot of crazy things in the movie the government finds out there after him. All the tension that you have in a good movie, and he does this fantastic thing and at the end of the movie, he disappears. 

So here you are in the theater, watching this, saying what just happened. You know you want more. You saw what this is capable of doing and. Like I want more. Is there going to be a sequel? Hang on, the lights. Come on to the theater. You’re told to turn on your phone and enter a code. And when you do that, Cosmo, the name of the Dog jumps from the screen onto your phone and Goes home with You we’re bringing him to life. This has never been done in the movie industry ever. 

And we’re using all the technical aspects that you could possibly use. They’re really razzle-dazzle people now. The purpose of them coming and going home with people is he wants to get into the lives of all the children around the world. And he wants to get on their level and explain to them the problems of the world because he’s very concerned about the world. His planet blew up. And he wants to talk to him about pollution, global warming, nutrition, fighting amongst himself, and all the things that he knows that he can help kids with. And the purpose of his doing this is if we can get the children at age 6/7/8 years old and we can get down and dirty with them and show them the problems in a nice way, we don’t want to scare them. We want to educate them. Once they learn this, they are then… after a certain amount of years, 30 years become the leaders of the industry, the leaders of the world, they will actually have the seeds of how to fix things that they were brought up with. They had this mentor advising them and helping them and showing them and bringing out their creativity. 

Well, when they become 35 or 40 years old, they won’t fight with one another because they have been working along with other children all around the world. Coming up with ideas and fixing things. So, they won’t pollute because they understand the effect of pollution. They will look at global warming differently. They won’t war against themselves and in reality, they can fix the world because we gave them an icon that supported them and brought them out and showed them that everything is fine and I’m going to help them. So I’m going to fix the world.

That is amazing. That’s some extraordinary American stuff right there, like, wow.

You know, we’re working on it.

It makes an impact, you know, a positive impact upon the world. When is this getting released? Do you have an estimated time?

Well, filming starts soon, and it’ll take about two years, but it’s not just the filming we have to worry about. I won’t worry. We have our challenges to be ready with phase two because once the movie comes out and Cosmo jumps into your life, we have to have that already as well. So, I have a team of people Working with me. I’ve taken a different position in my life doing this, I became what’s known as the architect. And as the role of the architect, I have to know my job is to inspire people to spark their imagination to allow them… To allow them to take over the roles that are necessary to happen.

So, I have to stand back. It’s almost like teaching those children piano and then standing back and letting them play. You know, there’s a point where if I was involved in every little thing of this movie, I’d probably slow it down. Because I’d say, well, can we do this? Can we do that? I actually have to basically, stand back, and as the architect says OK, these people have it all they need is my guidance. So that’s the new role for me. So, I’m kind of excited about it. But it’s new territory for me. 

That’s awesome. So, Maury, you haven’t mentioned a book that you were going to release. In the near future. Can you tell the audience a little bit more about that book and what it’s?

That book is basically what your show is about. That book is called Why some people can fly. And what I did is I examined the roles of how we are brought up, and what is preventing us. Well, I say fly. I don’t mean just jump off a building, you know, I don’t mean it in a literal sense. And the figurative sense. 

Imagine if you were in a maze and you live life in a maze. Many people are in a maze, they just don’t know it. They wake up in the morning, they do whatever they do and they go to sleep at night and it’s just a routine. They don’t realize they’re stuck in a maze. It’s not unless you give them a ladder and they climb 30 feet in the air. And they looked down from where they were before and they recognized, wow, I was in a maze. There was an exit door right around that corner. But I never happened to walk down that hallway. In fact, I could even climb over this. It’s so easy. My perspective is different. Once I was on this ladder looking down.

While this book is basically your ladder, the book explains why you think the way you do, and why you’ve been programmed not to be the risk taker. And then I go ahead and show people, individuals that did incredible things, and what their thought processes were. And it explains that if you can follow their thought processes. You perhaps could Fly. Maybe you won’t fly 10,000 feet in the air. Well, maybe that’s not you. Maybe you only have to fly 100 feet a year. It doesn’t matter. The fact of the matter is, you don’t have half your life as a routine doing a job that you like or hate, or you just feel trapped. You don’t have to be that. You can actually say I would love to do this. What’s necessary? And in the book, I show ideas to people on what’s necessary to get them to the next level, and I try to make them fly. 

That is awesome. Yeah, I mean that. That’s what people need. Actually, it’s all about education and self-improvement. That’s the only long-term way we are ever going to solve any of our problems. And we have to take matters into Our own hands. So, I love the fact that this book is going to come out in the future and I would definitely recommend my audience to read it. 

I’m actually doing a Ted talk in Wellington, Delaware on April 29th and I’m going to, you know, basically talk about like the Cliff notes of my book because, you know, and these Ted talks, they can only be 15 to 20 minutes long. So, I have to condense everything that’s in that book in 15 minutes of speech. I’m looking forward to doing that. 

And the book will actually explain my processes of how I made it from one point to another till finally making this movie. And it’ll show talks about fear. It talks about why we do what we do. I even show people when they walk into a supermarket how they are totally controlled from the time that they walk to the time that they leave. It has nothing to do with what they want to buy. Once an example would be most people in America, and I guess around the world are right-handed. And right-handed people generally move to the right. Right. That’s their dominant side. 

So, when they walk into a supermarket, the 1st place they go is toward the right. And that means that the supermarket has to take their most perishable items. That won’t be any good in a couple of days. They have to make sure that the person walks by those partial items in the hopes that those will be purchased and that’s why the fruits and vegetables and things generally are on the right. And then when a person buys cold food or frozen food that normally is in the last aisle. If you would buy frozen food when you first entered the market, you’d be worried about it getting defrosted. 

So, you’d be moving through the market faster because you don’t want the ice cream to melt. So, they don’t want you to buy the ice cream when you first walk in. They want that to be the last product. On when you go to a shelf and you buy your potato chips and the next time you go the potato chips are on a different shelf, that’s done on purpose because they know that you are a preacher of habit.

So, when you go to a specific shelf to buy potato chips, if they’re not there, you now are looking at new products that you normally wouldn’t see. And then you’d be searching down looking. For your potato chips. So, by then move the potato chips because you want to shop. So don’t realize all these factors are coming into play. All you did was you wanted to buy a bag of potato chips and some ice cream, but in reality, you walked out of the supermarket with much, much more. So, in the book, I show people through my education and marketing. How they are being controlled and they don’t even know it. Wow, yeah.

That’s really interesting. So, our show is coming to an end. Where can our audience connect with you to get to know more about you And all the work that you’re doing?

Well, there are a couple of ways. Number one, you can go to Facebook on there, facebook.com/M-David-Best-Selling-Author; and you’ll see everything including my playing some of the pianos and teaching people things of that Or you can go on Amazon and Search M David and you’ll see my book. The first book I wrote is called The Chase, and the second book called That Ghost of Shepherds Inn. The Cosmo… we haven’t released yet because we’re going to release about six. Yes, you can go to LinkedIn, by the way, You can look under Murray, and David as well.

OK, awesome. Thank you so much for coming to this show. I really appreciate it and we would love to have you back on this show at a future time. You are an extraordinary American and you already have the American spirit. 

Well, actually I want to thank you because you are doing a great service. It’s people like you that provide the inspiration of perhaps another person that comes to America, or a person that lives in America, that sees your podcast and goes, you know what, I Like this guy, I like what he’s promoting. So, thank you for having me on your show. You’re doing. 

Great job. Thank you, I appreciate it. And I want to conclude this episode by telling my fellow audience that there’s an extraordinary within each one of us, and it is our duty to awaken and unleash it. Remember that you are an extraordinary American and don’t let anybody else tell you otherwise. Bye for now.

Take care. 

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