Being A Successful Entrepreneur and Finding Happiness in Meditation with Joy Vanichkul

Joy grew up in a meditation home in Bangkok, Thailand, where meditation was a regular practice. She had the good fortune to be a model, and she eventually rose to the top of Thailand. Her spiritual practices have aided her in real-world success, as she has learned the foundations of business womanhood and the value of responsibility and discipline. 

Joy created her first spa, concentrating on health, beauty, and wellness, in 2013. She began in real estate and eventually built their own spa in 2013. Since then, the spa has flourished and gotten a return on investment, making it a thriving business. 

We have several obligations as entrepreneurs, including operations, marketing, accounting, and finance. We must also be able to communicate their strengths and weaknesses to others. 



{03:34} Joy’s journey

{07:00} How mediation can help your business thrive.

{10:00} From modeling to entrepreneurship in the SPA business

{17:30} Overcoming the fear of failure.

{31:00} How to have success in America when you come from the East

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Joy Vanichkul Bio

Joy is an entrepreneur. As a well-being specialist, yoga and meditation teacher, as well as a former international supermodel and TV host, she’s the founder and CEO of Wellness of Joy, where she helps people achieve balance, Joy, and stress-free living using tools and techniques from eastern Ancient medical knowledge and Western evidence-based science. She’s also currently launching her Intelligent Beauty Method program globally. 

Joy was born into a meditation family in Thailand. She began to meditate when she was just seven years old and was very fortunate to be taught by one of the greatest meditation team masters in the East. Her journey continued to the Himalayan mountains, where she was initiated into the ancient language of Himalayan master’s by With Yogi, Joy began her modeling career at age 16 and quickly became one of Asia’s top supermodels and TV hosts. With her entrepreneurial spirit, she created an open sense of Joy spa. It was an instant success and grew into multiple locations.

She also added her medical spa and beauty product lines. The whole thing became A multi-million-dollar business with a team of 200 staff and 20,000 members. She received prestigious international awards for Best New Spa and achieved the highest sales award for her product line in Thailand. As a reward for her services, Joy was presented with the Medal of Honor by Her Majesty the Queen of Thailand. 

Joy is also a co-founder and director of the Meditation and Yoga program at Tree Academy in Los Angeles, CA. 


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Welcome back to the show, my fellow extraordinary Americans. Today we have a special guest, Joy Vanika. Joy is an entrepreneur. As a well-being specialist, yoga and meditation teacher, as well as a former international supermodel and TV host, she’s the founder and CEO of Wellness of Joy, where she helps people achieve balance, Joy, and stress-free living using tools and techniques from eastern Ancient medical knowledge and Western evidence-based science.

She’s also currently launching her Intelligent Beauty Method program globally. Joy was born into a meditation family in Thailand. She began to meditate when she was just seven years old and was very fortunate to be taught by one of the greatest meditation team masters in the East. Her journey continued to the Himalayan mountains, where she was initiated into the ancient language of Himalayan Master’s by With Yogi, Joy began her modeling career at age 16 and quickly became one of Asia’s top supermodels and TV hosts. With her entrepreneurial spirit, she created an open sense of Joy spa. It was an instant success and grew into multiple locations.

She also added her medical spa and beauty product lines. The whole thing became A multi-million-dollar business with a team of 200 staff and 20,000 members. She received prestigious international awards for Best New Spa and achieved the highest sales award for her product line in Thailand. As a reward for her services, Joy was presented with the Medal of Honor by Her Majesty the Queen of Thailand. 

Joy is also a co-founder and director of the Meditation and Yoga program at Tree Academy in Los Angeles, CA. I’m really glad and honored to have her on the show, and I’m grateful that she’s over here. Joy, are you then?

Hello, Cosmo. Hi, everyone. Yes, I’m here.

Joy, we’re honored to have you on the show, and I’m grateful you took the time to do this podcast with me. So, what I wanted to ask you is, I know that you’re an entrepreneur. You’re a well-being specialist, and you’re into spirituality and meditation. Can you tell us a little bit more about yourself, your background, and how you got started?

So, when I was young, I was born in Bangkok, Thailand, and then I spent all that time living with my grandmother and my mother. But you know, on my mother’s side, they are all meditation families. You know, everyone meditates there.

So, we are the meditators. They meditate every day. That’s why when I was very young. I was just training. It’s just before seven. It’s just going to go into my being. Meditation has been the foundation of everything I do in life. You know, when I was growing up, I was found to be a model and so very fortunate. I rise to the top of Thailand for a very, very short time and stay there for a very long time. 

And then I found out that so many times in this fast land of modeling life and then actresses and television shows and all those, everything I do, everything television on stage hosts on the stage, hosts on the TV. But mostly I love modeling, but living in those activities I started very, very young when I was 16, and keeping up those things like working and being that fast lane meditation has always helped me, you know, to just maintain my growl and to be able to think and do my business later on. So, I thought about opening my spa and Wellness Center in 2012 and then opening it for a very long time.

So, you know, I owned that for 15 to 17 years. Since I’ve been here in the US for 10 years, I remember the first time I still had to contact Thailand and manage from here, so that is my journey into meditation, beauty, wellness, and consciousness, and on to the consciousness part. 

So, I was born in a meditation family. So, I have so many great teachers who teach me, of course. But my grandmother, my great-grandmother, who was a nun, and my mother, who was also the meditation master in Thailand, who owned the abbot, the leader of the monk in Thailand in the biggest Buddhist temple? Also coming on: meditate with him. Also, when I went into the Himalayas, I met my Vice Swami, who had already been initiated with me in the Himalayan institution tradition. 

So, my lifelong friend has been missed. I miss so many great gurus, including Ramdas Swami Ratna. That’s why, you know, I feel like my life is on the right path, and they’ll come here to learn about it all. Science as well. Yeah, this is a lot of things.

I’m excited to dive deep into this cause. Yeah, normally, a lot of people in the West. They think that spirituality is more something that you do as a hobby. But over here, we’re seeing that your spiritual practices have helped you with the material. Well, in success in the real world. And all of that—can you tell the audience a little bit more? About how your spiritual practices have helped you in your businesses and everything that you have done throughout your life.

Yeah, as I said, my family is very much a meditation practitioner. So, I started with my grandmother, and then once we were done, we moved to be with my mother. When I was in 4th grade, I remember before I moved with my grandpa, when I was with my grandmother, she would take me everywhere, you know, in the temple, staying there overnight. And I remember saying on the phone, just wake up at 4:00 or five. Just meditate with them. Very little and all the time. She took me everywhere, and I love the feeling of it. 

Once I moved in with my mother, I was grateful to her. Just like asking us, the three of us. I’m the youngest one, my brother and sister, just sit in front of the Buddha and also all the goddesses and goddesses, and just do the chant every day, every night, before we go to sleep. Like we cannot just go to sleep; we have to do at least half an hour of chanting and half an hour of meditation. From that point  onward, I remember that one of the chants in Buddhism versus this one is about 28 minutes.  

So, I must change and play for at least almost an hour every day. Meditate so at. That time, it’s just kind of like we cannot just, you know, the kid. We cannot just go back to sleep. Because my mom will set that up, but I find out that because of that strong practice that I have had since I was young with my grandmother and my mother, it’s just really helped me so much. 

So much, and you know, as I grew up, I did so many things in my life that, you know, went sideways, like growing up as a teenager and becoming very successful when I was a teenager and how to maintain that and not get lost in the limelight and then and then the name and outside thing and stay grounded. I think it has to do with all my practice, and even though I do my business, you know, businesses have ups and downs. And the way they maintain my centering and beating true to myself and the feeling of giving to others comes from the practice that I had when I was very young.

Well, Joy normally, like you know, so like all there’s either people get too much into spirituality and then or they get too much into the material world or the success and the limelight you somehow manage to create a healthy balance between the two worlds, and that’s one of the reasons I love having you on the show because it is one of the rarest things that are out there. 

But can you tell us a little bit more about your journey into entrepreneurship and how you went from a model into something like your SPA business. How did you make it into the successful business that it was?

Since I was young, I always thought that I was a businesswoman. You know, I always tell everybody. Modeling is my hobby, but it’s kind of like the great hobby that I do every day and that makes me so much money. But I think because of the training that I have had since 16/17 and all the way through, I can hang around with so many adults, and then you know, like when you work, it’s work. Everywhere, modeling anything is what work, responsibility, and discipline are. Everything has to come.

So, I think I learned so much. How to be good at the foundation of the businesswoman and also, as I say, I always invest in the stock market and just like sitting and learning about all the financial and other things that are involved through business.  

So, when I was there, I remembered that there was an opportunity to come, and I realized that there was one at the gym; it just didn’t have the spa. And that time I was modeling internationally to do the photo shoot for the spa. I have the chance to visit. One of the Many, many of the best spas around internationally, so I was thinking, wow, it’s calling me and feeling.  

So, I feel so. What can I say? I feel that is my passion. I can do it. OK Health Beauty and Wellness can come together, so that’s why I opened my first spa in 2013. But because of that, I started to start my business a little bit here and there in real estate. And when I start my own business in the spa, I put my heart and mind into it. And you know, since then, and they’re just getting successful since the first six months, we’ve gotten a return on investment, all the money back.

So, I opened 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 6th in this period and grew out into holidays by growing into medical spas and another two-company product company. One of my product companies is, of course, the SPA I imported from France, and another one I just created. All six SKUs are products for slimming life cells all over Thailand. So, it’s quite a journey and I didn’t know then I didn’t know anything else than just being an entrepreneur. I love it. I love to create, and I love to grow. I feel that it’s a part of me as well.

So, Joy, I love this because you found something that you’re passionate about and that you need. A multi-million-dollar business, a lot of people and a lot of women out there are into beauty, health, wellness, and all that, but they’re not able to figure out how to turn it into a business. How would you advise a woman who wants to go into that field and monetize? Well, what they’re passionate about is beauty, health, and wellness. How would they go about doing that?

I think everything—all the businesses in the world—started with one person. You know the ideas right when they have them, and how we made the idea become alive, when I start the spa, it starts with my idea, and it involves gathering all the information already. When I’m traveling, I see what I like, what I don’t like, I remember that my spot was one of the first urban spas. That it looks different kinds of energy, which is like incorporating what I think that it will be working in then and the part of me.  

So, I think that part of creation is very important. You know, some people just think I’m going to create something; look at the market and all this. One says, in turn, I’m going to do this, but they forget that it is not anything related to them. I think part of creation has to come from something they’re calling you from your heart and every bit of you. And I think that you really are and it’s kind of spiritual practice too, I think. To know what you want. You have to Dig deep inside of us. And once we have that idea, we have To nurture it. Right. We have to bring it to life. I remember when I built the spot, the same thing came off the Creek. Creative ideas.  

Oh, I wanted my spot to look like this, to flow like this, and to manifest it like I just remember staring at the plant in the spa. Every day, like how to move in the room or how to create the name. And everything I just keep. staring at it, starting it, and moving it. And then that’s part of creating. And I remember it so well that, like, I have that in my visualization on my first, and then I leave that to the designer and leave that to the further construction and the clients and have exactly the theme and the concept of what it’s going to look like. But it came from me.

And that is the advice that I want to give to everybody. When you want to do some business, get it from here and expand out. And the next very important thing is that you have to do it professionally, and of course, it starts. From you, right? It starts with us creating one idea in our home; I start all of my business on the dining table. It’s just like I remember starting on my dining table in my apartment.

And then again, I started intelligibility on my dining table and everything from here, but after that, we had to make it professionally because you remember that you’re going to spend so much energy either way. You do it small or You do it big. I think that we spend almost the same amount of energy, so if I recommend that you do the size of the business, that is a good size that is worth our energy and lives. And anything that other people can come and help with. 

We can create a very altered small business, and then you know, of course, it’s going to take longer, and then there’s no room for others. People can come and help. They can do it in the beginning, but after that, they have a plan. Now we have to see it from the start to where we want to go and where we want to finish. I always tell myself to work backwards. I don’t have anything in between, but I see the goal line. I see where I’m going to start, and I move to that.

So that’s my recommendation for anyone who wants to do business, and also just giving your best—you know, giving your heart out—is the energy in everything we do. Whenever we give our energy, it’s becoming. Come more and more and more. So that other people can even receive that, as always.

So, Joy, there are a lot of questions to ask over here.  I’m impressed with the visualization and manifesting thing because that’s one of the advantages of spiritual people; they’re able to visualize and manifest easily compared to others. But one of the things which a lot of women would have difficulty doing is like they have a fear of failure regarding things like financing. Let’s say they have an idea. For their spar, their wellness, or their beauty. 

A beauty business has questions like how they are going to get the financing and the fear of financial failure. Do they have to overcome that fear? How would you advise somebody who wants to do that? How would they overcome their fear of financial failure and figure out a way to get financing for their business?

That is the very, very hard part right to be able to create something to break and be successful. Sometimes we need to have a strategy and plan. And that is something that requires more than just visualization; of course, it also needs discipline. It needs a strategy. It needs a plan. What is our plan to go into prison in phases 1,2, & 3? And what is involved in Phase 1,2,3? You know where we are as entrepreneurs: we do not have one thing; we have everything. To be in operation, marketing

  1. It’s, I don’t know, accounting finance. So, it seemed like the roll up until, you know, putting us into especially the small and medium-sized entrepreneur, right? We don’t have much money to hire many people. We have to understand so many things in such a fast way, and that is why we are not good at all. But of course, we have strength, and we also have goodness. We have to be able to know what our strength is, what our witness is, and how we’re going to be smart. Take that part of our thing that we are just Not very good at. To do this, we have to understand that enough so we can tell other people and direct them to help us.

So, I think that entrepreneurs just like adding to this pile of responsibility, right? That’s why you see So not so many people So many people think they might be great at something, and when they say, OK, I’m going to be great at this, I’m going to walk out of the company and open and the business on its own and thinking about it can be successful, but they don’t see what the back door of the business is. There are a lot of things that people might not be able to think about and imagine before, and trust me, you know, even I have 20–30 years, 2020 years in business. 

I still have to figure it out every day because things change, right? Everything changed all the time. When I do business, 17/18 years ago and now not the same different kind of business, we have to be able to be up to date, understand opening our mind, hearing, and seeing, and taking a lot of kind of like moving between our mind and our heart moving back and forth at the same time.

So, we have to be able to train ourselves to be at our optimum. First, that’s why when I created intelligent beauty, my intention was just to be able to help people get to that optimum. You know the beauty, power, so they will be able to do so many things, like creating a business, and when we got there, we operated at our best, and talking about the business language, you know, we could go for that.

So many things, right? We need to know and understand where our investment is going to go, and what the P is, and we have to be able to calculate how much money we’re going to bring in when the money comes in. And then how much money we’re going to have, we have to be able to know. The number and I think the number is a key for every business, and of course, there is another thing as well.

So, I’m talking about this physical world first; the right number is the key. How are we going to get another number and just fall into it? We have to have the mechanical part go in there, right? As long as it’s not, people might think that’s OK. There you do this while it’s just not. And then you sell about this, and that is the difference: the margin is the profit. It’s not.

Because I’m consulting For the SPA as well, now that I know so many spa and medical spa owners, they’re always thinking, okay, I have this price, I subtract from the cost, and that is my margin, but actually, they don’t go deep into it, like, what is the cost of service. What is going on there? You have to be very, very specific, and that is how we can know ourselves. How is our company doing? Are we doing the right thing? Are we just price-sensitive, right? Are we just doing the strategy right? What about our marketing and so many other things in between? That is the business response rate ready for entrepreneurs? 

But I think the other thing that is more important for me is for them to take care of themselves because, without us, there is no business. Many people that I advise consult a mentor. They always just do OK business first and forget about themselves, but then they get into that place.

So, they don’t want to; they hate what they do, and they don’t want to get out anymore.  I don’t want to do anything. But because they forget, they take care of everything but nothing. And I think it should be the other way around, you know. As a woman taking care of us first, not only our inner and outer imbalances. That’s in my power. And then anything else to be very healthy and feel good. I think feeling great is a very great index of being healthy, and right now I’m so glad that so many people are just starting to awaken to their happiness and Wellness. 

So, it’s getting more and more people just like us about, like, what? More in life? Then just making money and living every day by

Joy, you make a very interesting point right when you’re saying you’re talking about, OK, you have to give the value from what I’m saying, that you are service-oriented. How am I giving value to people? 

A lot of people who try to start businesses are focused on just the numbers and making money. But what they have to focus on is the value and the customers and who they are. What they’re looking for at that particular time, right? But they don’t usually, like, they’re so focused on the numbers that they forget about what value am I giving the customers, and they think they missed the boat or that. But I don’t know what your thoughts are on that.

Yes, of course. When you’re creating something about the community, the customer, we have to be able… I think that’s the key to the marketing and then strategy, to be able to understand our customers and value them. You know, we have to create something and a product. And when people buy it from us and they feel like the value is so much and so high that they’re not even really thinking twice about getting it, and I have that on my mind or theirs and creating a spa, I come here to Beverly Hills to the Four-Season Hotel getting all of the best, best, best, best spa treatment all around the world, from the inside in Bali, from the things that it could charge people a few $100s, right? 

In Asia It’s a lot of money, but when I’m getting that knowledge and just putting that into my spell, I shoot them. Only like less than, I don’t know. Like that one of the quarters of the price or even much less than that one of the eight of the prices because of the value that they have. That’s why my spa went so well. successful, and I think we can apply that to everything in life, right? When I create intelligent beauty, it’s the same thing. And then I want to see the value of the production.

So, I have to go back to Thailand with the whole film to film and get this out, not because I want to look good. But I want to just really tell people that that is a way to do something of quality and represent beauty, wellness, and consciousness. What it should look like has to inspire people to feel the same way. So, I think that is the key.

You make total sense of that, like we have to think along those lines. 

But Joy, one of the questions I wanted to ask was, what is the biggest lesson you learned during your entrepreneurial journey and during your journey from a model to an entrepreneur, and what is the one thing that you learned that was significant, and it stayed with you for the longest time.

Wow, just one thing. I think that is the synergy of everything I do. You know, I’m always looking at myself like I’ve changed so much from a high school girl to a top supermodel and come here and start and restart my life again in the new chapter of my life after becoming a teacher and consultant. And I think the one thing that I feel will never change is me. You know the inside of me. 

And I think that is how people can conceive like they can receive two words and receive two of them, and that is how I am my authentic self. And I think that is very important when I grow up as a teenager. Of course, I don’t have any idea how I’m going to be.  I want to be there, so I want to be there again. I changed my mind all the time. When I see things when I am putting on the clothes of the model, I ration, and then I have to think about, OK. What’s the channel? And the fans love it. 

So, I put on this, and I beat everybody. But now I think the most important thing is that I learned that the best, most powerful, and most effective way to do anything is to be yourself. Because there is only you, there’s nobody else who’s the same as you. You fight at Who are you, and what is your strength? And what did you love? 

And you’re giving that to the world? I think that people are going to be very magnetized, but they also want to come to you and just want to. It’s a thing that people do. Want to learn from you and want to be? Around you and that. Is the thing that I just want everybody to carry out. Do you know what it means to go deep? Go deeper every day. It’s not easy. It’s a journey as well to find our authentic selves.

I agree that you have to be authentic to yourself at the end of the day. I feel like a lot of people go around the world. Their day was trying to live as other people expect them to. They don’t want to disappoint society or the people around them. They don’t want their perception to be disappointing. But ultimately, you have to live your authentic self if you want to truly be happy in the long run.

Yes, that is so true. And then we know we learn this every day, like everything else in our practice. And I think the practice of spirituality or consciousness is the key to happiness too, right? When we want to find our authentic selves. I don’t think that we knew in the beginning. You know, it’s like a journey. So, the practice of consciousness is helping us to go deeper and ask more questions.

No, totally. I wanted to ask you a question about consciousness and happiness, but I wanted to first ask, what is your story about you coming to America; I know, you have been in Thailand, and you had a lot of success at some point as an immigrant, you came to America. What is the story? 

A little boy, then, about two years old, had to bring him here to study because there is limited choice. I think LA is beautiful. I live in LA. I love sunshine. You know, the Southern California dream.

So, I love to be here. When I was studying for my master’s degree, I was here too. And then I went back to continue with my modeling. So, I came here to bring my son to school. And in the beginning, we went back and forth, and then, you know, up I went. I didn’t realize this was my 10th year already.

Did you become a citizen, or are you in the process of doing so?

Yeah, I should make my decision this year. So, I’m going to become a citizen because I think that I feel like that both now and, you know, I’m the East meets West thinker. But I was in Thailand, I thought I was very bad, and compared to my friend when I came here, I felt like I was so Asian compared to everyone else.

So, I don’t know who I am, so I think I’m probably on the border of the balance between both. So, I think I’d love to have my life here and there at the same time so I can travel.

I knew for the longest time that I came to America as an immigrant, and then for 14 years, I got my green card, in 2001. And then, for the longest time, for at least 14 years like I was, I still had a green card. And then finally, I made the decision that I was going to become a citizen, but I also had an identity thing like, “Where?” I had Indian nationality, but then I also now have an American identity as well, and it’s usually this cultural clash that eventually assimilates the best of both worlds. But this is what I wanted to ask you.

So as an immigrant, you come from the East, where you see the spirituality, and then you see the business success that America has. What is your perspective on the combination of both? 

It’s just as I come from a very rich culture of spirituality in my family. And then the practice they had When they came here, and it seemed like that, I was very impressed, as you know, here everything when I study how I become a hard math trainer at this part of the training. And I just Look at it like, wow, this is coming from Buddhism, and in terms of the teaching, you know, talking about emotion, and everything is translated into more of the daily life. 

And I love it because when I was young, I started learning about Buddhism, and then, just like I learned about practice, it is practical here to bring everything to life in terms of the teaching for living life to be happier. Because remember now, right now, right? We’re not living there now. We’re not living like all the yogis who live in the Himalayas. Or in the temple in the forest. We are here. We are modernized people who want to have the same happiness. Like all of those Yogis in the Himalayas too.

So, I think that now we have so much of this technique and so much of this thing that we can learn to feel the same, and that is my passion. You know, when I came here and then I started, wow, here people are very interested in the thing that is still, you know, not deep enough. From where I came everything is just starting here, and I want to bring more of what I learned to share with people. And I think That is, to make it very simple, right to make it like, I don’t know, I want to taste meditation just like going to consciousness just like driving a car and everybody can do it.

So that’s why everything I do and then I file, I meditate. I meditate for a long time. I can meditate for three or four hours. When I go for the workshop, I do that for 3–4 hours in Israel, and then I generally make it for myself for one or two hours in the morning, and then, you know, sometimes at night I can’t visit. Very long, but I know that people don’t have time to do that or even want to be interested in doing that. Just the same meditation is making them scared already. So, I think my job is to make meditation fast but effective. So excellent. 

I would understand why people would be scared of meditation. That would make no sense to me. It’s just natural.

To be with themselves, I felt when I started to teach meditation at the beginning. Therefore, I met so many people who never be alone with themselves and have to surround themselves with other people all the time out of fear because of habits, because of so many reasons, and then I got scared. I have friends with whom I just have to turn on their lights all the time, go to sleep, and talk to someone until they fall asleep. Turn on the TV, and just like that, let then we become friends. 

Every night, so many people and kind people that I met. But I think that meditation is kind of like getting to solitude, the quiet silence. When we don’t have practice, it becomes strange. That’s an addition that they’ve never experienced before. That’s why they don’t like it. They don’t like the feeling of it.

So, I think, you know, as teachers, we have to be able to find anything that can help people get into this state. And I think meditation is just a tool, right? The tools to get into the higher frequency and feel better the chain you know the heart rate, if I’m nervous, is everything that is going to make our body into more of the reset. Then they are in the parasympathetic system, and that changed. We can do it. Through many things now, they have so much technology, like cell breeding.

There are so many things that we can do to reach that state or the preamble. That’s the most difficult. And I think when people get into the meditative faith it is all happiness, and if they can make themselves shatter, their mind will be quiet and centering. If they can last for that long when hit into that meditative state. It’s just bliss. They can stay. It is only that preamble part that I love. You know, that’s what my mission was in the first few years—to just fight everything. To cut that preamble, to make it seamless to it, so everybody can meditate even for a chapter.

Well, one thing I’ve noticed about you is your American identity. 

That’s an immigrant, entrepreneurial identity with the goal of the pursuit of happiness. You are here embodying all of these identities because you came here as an immigrant. You have an entrepreneurial spirit, and you’re also pursuing happiness through meditation.

So, if you had to advise Americans right now on the best way to pursue happiness with all of the experiences that you have had, have right now. In their goal of pursuing happiness, how would you advise them to do so?

I just want to welcome everyone to just start to go deep into themselves. They value themselves more. More, start to be curious about what. Today, you know, starting in all directions, balance the inner and balance the outer. You know the feeling, the beauty, the courage—everything about the inner and outer—and get in, in balance or harmonies.

So that they’re going to buy something they can hold on to. They fight themselves. You know, I believe that when we fight ourselves, strength, courage, and confidence are going to come. People are going to start to look at the cell in a different way. Walk the different way than the different way, right? The only thing that you think is, how can I feel and keep all of this feeling? How can I be in this state more and more and extend that state more and more, whatever that state means to you, and get into those feelings of happiness, your feeling of Joy, their feeling of gratitude, appreciation, and love, and expand into them to yourself more and more. 

And I think that that is a key thing too. All the world. Happiness and success, you know, we start with ourselves. I know that many of you can hear these people talking about This sells love. We hear about selling love all the time. 

But actually, if you’re, I’m thinking about it like I’m apologetic, so love. There’s so much more beneath that is not just the seller, but the totality of you and your love for yourself. Love yourself means that you’re not going to harm yourself. Love yourself, means that you can give your Self-forgiveness in everything you do, and just from that spot, I think that is powerful to bring back everything that your heart decides.

That’s amazing. And I agree with it. But some people in the western world think that buying things, like having a mansion or the newest Ferrari, or just having two materials, can bring them happiness.

I know you’re a successful entrepreneur, and you’ve also been in the media State if somebody came to you with where is the conversation? They’re like, “Oh. I looked at the TV, and like, they’re all telling me that I’ve got to buy this to be happy, or I’ve got to buy it” because that’s like the culture today, right? But how, what would you say to that person?

I think things you know, like materials, everything around us—big house, big car, and everything big—handbags, shoes, clothes I think everything that is called things about our lives, I don’t have anything against it. You know, I think that it depends on the choice of that person, but someone who makes that choice has to make the choice to fully embody that stage, right? They choose the happy stage.  

I heard so many people just go to the gym, and then she just wants to… In the wrong attitude. Just like, like, want too just to look skinny and then and then just because they hate themselves. But if we are buying things materialistically with the right attitude, in the attitude of love, because of the love to have things? Have you learned to love? We have to because we want to. Love comes from love, and everything is possible, right? It’s just that I think there are endless possibilities for us. 

And I think that everybody shouldn’t feel guilty about what or who they are. You know, we are all different. It doesn’t mean things can be measured by saying that we are better than anybody else, but because we are different, right? Our happiness is different. Your happiness is different. I have been to different places; maybe you want to collect cars. But for me, I collect shoes or land; you know, we are all different. To find out whatever, make your heartbeat, and just permit yourself to go into that. It’s just not going to get things done for your happiness to be your happiness done for us. And go get them.

That is awesome. Yeah, I think everybody’s trying to find happiness in their way. But ultimately, we realized that, even though we’re looking at the external world, what you’re talking about is the meditative state from my own experience, which brought more happiness to me personally. I cannot speak for others, but that gave me more happiness than anything else, because it’s just something that comes from within, and captain over a longer period.

Right. We share the same thing. That is also my foundation. You know, now that I meditate, I meet him sitting down close to my eyes and I meditate. I also do walking meditation. You know, I tried to do meditation practice all day on my own, like hiking. Just like I’m walking in. You know, in two months with days off facing frequent frequency vibrations, I put myself into feeling good and going out into nature.

So, I think that is the key to practice, and I think they are different, right? I just have so many friends and then students who love to meditate on fast music, and then somebody just finds the meditation. To dance to, and I think that we are all different souls, and you’ll find something. That you feel that the index is to make you happy, make you feel that you’re lighter, and make you feel that you have a more positive outcome in your life. And I think stick to that and start to expand more and more of that.

No, totally. I agree with that. 

So, Joy, can you tell me and the audience a little bit more about your wellness of joy and what it does?

Well, is my business. My company’s Wellness object comprises all the programs that I created, and the first program that I created is Intelligent Beauty Mega. So, we’re offering all the beauty, Wellness, consciousness, and other businesses involved in it.

Can you elaborate more on the intelligent beauty methods? So, the audience can know what it is about.

The Intelligent Beauty Method program is just about the concept of this. I just explained to you all that this is all my teaching. It is about how to incorporate the three pillars of beauty, wellness, and consciousness into your life.

And because we know that when we are our true beauty comes from our inequality. But when it’s emerging and then coming out to balance with the influence of the power of outer beauty, which is intelligent beauty. And I think that is the power that so many people don’t know they have. 

People don’t have a misperception about beauty because sometimes, as I do, When I started to create this program, I did research on so many levels of people and asked them themselves, and I found that 98% of people had a misperception of beauty. I did not appreciate their beauty either. Their inner beauty or outer beauty You know, like outer beauty.

Some of it in America here has been a thing as something the same as material. Right is something that’s not good; that’s something that’s kind of the devil, actually, like, you know, a woman. Being just. Get into that, but because they didn’t know, they used it in the wrong way or did not understand the power of it.

Yet, because of my career as more than 20 yards in the, I understand the power of it. If you use it in the right way, it can help uplift that person in a short period. It’s just one thing. It’s not that difficult.

It’s so easy to apply because people don’t know. And while immersing the inequality of us to be. Come to compassion and be more kind. And more care for the beautiful person of inequality, which is taking time to emerge. And that is true. The practice of what we say from the eastern, from meditation, from understanding, from breathing, from gratitude, and all the other practices that we have When both of these qualities are coming in, in imbalance, and harmonization. And that person is just like, unstoppable, and that person is considered to be staying in their unique authentic cell, and they can try anything that they think that we think that we want in their life.

So that is my passion to make everybody in the world understand their true power. I feel that. Beauty has been neglected or misperceived for a very long time, and I think that is my responsibility because I was in both worlds right now, and I have to come out and tell people about this being their wealth. This is their asset. This is the thing that is what we all have to immerse in the true beauty, the inner quality, and the outward quality of the practice. 

And it’s just not going to be able to. They can come through to wish for every dinner in their lives. They’re happier. I wish that this would fly, and of course, when we are happy with ourselves, we appreciate our authority and beauty. We can create so many things in the world.

That is awesome, Joy. A lot of people think of beauty as just external beauty, but over here you’re talking about inner beauty and perception and all of that, which is true, and you take it. I mean, normally, a lot of people talk about inner beauty but in reality, like their actions, they are just into external beauty and superficial stuff. So, I’m glad that you’re Yeah, that’s you. Have a passion for this.

Yeah, because so many societies stand that right, the trend changes the people when, when, when they see that I’m in fashion, I know that the trend keeps on changing and then because of whoever. Identify that 10, manage that trend, or have the benefit of that trend changing, and that’s why people just see that. How can I change when the trend changes?

And of course, you can if you don’t have or don’t know your authentic Unix cell. You don’t have the process of inner beauty, and it’s hard to follow all of these. Friend and ask, do we have to necklace all of this, or are we just opening our minds to it more you know. Cultivating our quality of beauty is just about one thing. Beauty is everything. Beauty is between in and out, and beauty is not skin deep, so I will call it either the virtue of beauty, you know, being happy, or being beautiful to sleep. All the months beauty is in everything.

So, when people feel that they are beautiful, they can see the beauty that’s around others and everything around them.

That is awesome. So, Joy, how can our audience connect with you? Get to know more about you and the work that you’re doing.

I have everything that I do on my website,, and then you can reach me by emailing me at or coming to all my social media @JoyCanichkul. It’s checking you out. It’s a little bit difficult, but you will find it there.

That’s awesome. Joy, Joy. I’m grateful that you took the time to be a guest on this podcast because I’m sure that my audience has a lot of knowledge to glean from your experience in both. like in the meditation arena and also in entrepreneurship and business. And I would like you to come back to the show at a later time.

Thank you so much, governor. Thank you for having me here.

I want to conclude this show by telling my fellow extraordinary Americans that there’s an extraordinary within every one of us, and we must awaken it and unleash it until the next episode. Bye for now.

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